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IfIKnewThen t1_ixx8iv6 wrote

I did this for a while. I got tired of deleting pictures of myself looking confused.


ChainSword20000 OP t1_ixx90tf wrote

Good point.. I plan to Set up a seperate thing to delete old ones, and set up a notification to notify you too on the bad unlocks, but still auto delete the pictures if you swiped away the notification once I get tired of manually deleting them all.


thatssoshandy t1_ixx66h1 wrote

Does such a setting exist?


ChainSword20000 OP t1_ixx702t wrote

Not as a built in setting most of the time. The way I did it was with an app called macro droid, though it may be a bit hard for the less tech savvy. I could post my macro in a link if you want, though there should be a different app for this if you search around a bit.


Megaslammer t1_ixxepsi wrote

I don't need that many pics of myself on the throne


Fun_Amount3063 t1_ixxjejy wrote

If you have snoopers to worry about, you're keeping the wrong company.


ChainSword20000 OP t1_ixz2osw wrote

In my case, dad. I can't exactly stop him, but I can see how much he is. Some snooping from parents is normal. Alot of it is not.


Fun_Amount3063 t1_iy5hktx wrote

You can stop him unless he pays for it. If he does, then it’s time for you to pay for it yourself.

Get away from this type of parent as soon as you can safely do so. Older you will be very glad you did.


ChainSword20000 OP t1_iy66s2n wrote

I've had the bad code pic taker for months, dad doesn't remember my code very well anyway, and this is the first time I've seen him pop up in my weekly deletion cycle. My code is especially hard to pick and for others to remember for specific and verifiable reasons... even I mess up about 1 out of every 3 times when I put it in, and I have it muscle-memorized (though I usually use fingerprint)... I don't think its time to cut him off anywhere near yet.


ChainSword20000 OP t1_iy6855i wrote

And also, I say I can't stop him... I really could, I'm tech savvy enough, I could put up a 2nd hidden security mechanism that he wouldn't be able to unlock, but currently I have no escape, and I don't have anything more than a girlfriends name to hide from him, and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be able to guess witch one it is among my other freinds gamertags in the single app I have their contact in. I even have dummie contacts and conversations set up to make him think its the wrong person, and I have the ability to disable his single app that could be used for snooping, life360, if I need to disappear for a while, or pretend to be somewhere when I go somewhere else. I've prepared myself well enough for the event where I need to escape from him, I just haven't needed to. All of our problems are 1st world relative to the relatively 3rd world problems that having him gone would cause.


ChainSword20000 OP t1_ixx45mi wrote

I use macrodroid, but I am sure there are better alternatives, and worse alternatives.


keepthetips t1_ixx3u7m wrote

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