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keepthetips t1_isevnsn wrote

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Xploited_HnterGather t1_isf2ijz wrote

Bruh, this hit me. Something that's been on the edge of my awareness.

Always afraid to come to this conclusion though because most people don't imagine that you've met yourself significantly more than them.

So they never agree that this is the reality of the matter. So the only way I can tell if this is happening is throuh 3rd parties or my own discernment.

And my own discernment isn't unbiased and it can be sneaky as hell serving what it perceives to be my interest.

So one/I could fall into a thought trap where I dismiss unpleasant realties about myself that are being revealed through others.

Such a fine line. It's truly an art to apply this pro tip.


Ceralt t1_isf88dc wrote

For years I would not explain myself because my people should trust my judgment and if they aren’t close to me their opinion isn’t something i care about. I didn’t like to justify myself. Now, I do explain to the people who matter most. Other people can still suck it tho.


_I_Hate_People t1_isfsyam wrote

I listened to an Esther Peter podcast and she said much the same thing.

That in healthy relationships, you'll be given the benefit of the doubt. If you have to explain your intentions a lot, it's a toxic relationship.


InsideHorror9726 t1_isjtdk3 wrote

Explaining yourself is definitely something you SHOULD be doing. Especially when there's people around you willing to learn.

People understanding you doesn't mean they will have the same exact perspective on absolutely everything you ever do throughout your entire life.

Discussion is healthy. You're not the ultimate beacon of truth, just like everyone else we got everything to learn and we know nothing.

The best way to learn is by teaching.

Of course, I'm not saying you should be okay with someone questioning your every move - But someone challenging a difficult decision, proposing a different perspective every now and then will only help you grow - As long as YOU are willing to grow.


irvineacademicselite t1_isl1a4s wrote

Excellent, we lose sight of the fact that life is not always about us, good stuff.