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ItsChitznGiggles t1_iu5dd93 wrote

Do you mean besides the obvious? They take donations and turn around and sell them for 100% profit. Half the time, they overprice the donations as well. Not to mention the uneven distribution of wealth within their own company.


Joe434 t1_iu5ftjt wrote

You don’t have to be a dick about it, the person above you was asking a good-faith question.


ShinePDX t1_iu5lou3 wrote

They also have to spend millions of dollars sorting and disposing of the tons of trash that people donate. They could charge less on what they do resell if people didn't use them as a dumpster.


acrowsmurder t1_iu5o2ly wrote

I thought they donated a portion to charities/social programs? Sorry for my ignorance.


ItsChitznGiggles t1_iu5obkf wrote

Unfortunately, no. I truly wish they did. There are a lot of non-profit organizations that do that that you can look into.


acrowsmurder t1_iu5ouqd wrote

I recently donated all my old pots and pans to GW, and on the way home remembered the Food Pantry takes those kinda things too, and got bummed out. Now learning more about GW, even more so. If I had the money, I'd buy them back and take them to the Food Pantry.


Awanderinglolplayer t1_iu5m839 wrote

You realize sorting/cleaning, land for the store, electricity for the lights, wages for the workers doing this all, costs money right? Do you live in a fantasy world where this all just gets done for free?

Goodwill takes money so they can afford to have some central location for all donations to go to. That’s just how shit works.