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Ghost-Toof t1_itledwh wrote

Our boy picked up a Hershey almonds bar at the grocery store a few weeks back. Said. Hey buddy you gotta put that back. He pointed at the almond and say. I allergic? And put it back. It made me so happy, proud and relieved that he's on a start to the right path.


99badwolfbaloons OP t1_itlf6av wrote

Yay! It feels good when they understand and don’t seem like they’re feeling are hurt by it. :) He turned three a couple weeks ago and he has the language now to talk about it more.

There’s one niche store that sells special bread he can have and we make a whole trip out of going and shopping for special foods he can have (usually sauces and stuff to dress up chicken/veggies/ rice). He loves it! And he tells everyone in the store he’s there for ‘billy bread!’


Remarkable_Story9843 t1_itlxc4y wrote

As an adult dx celiac this makes me so happy!

(And is also why I never take the last of a gf item on the shelf. )