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Wild-Caterpillar76 t1_je09ysr wrote

This is not true at all and horrible advice. Have you ever heard of fibromyalgia? For years and even now, doctors have told people nothing is wrong with them and that it’s in their head. This goes for numerous other illnesses including cancer. Trust your body, go to as many doctors as you need, advocate for yourself. To tell people “oh it’s just anxiety” is the worst advice ever.


_Morvar_ t1_je0pb3a wrote

I'm sorry I have offended you. I'm sure there are many people who have had awful experiences with doctors dismissing their problems and calling it imagination and whatnot. Maybe you or someone close to you has suffered due to a situation like that, and that is awful and shouldn't happen.

The point I was trying to make was that there is also such a thing as health anxiety, and no amount of clear diagnostic tests can cure it, the only way out is to identify the anxiety and treat that. I'm not disagreeing with OP, I'm just adding this sidenote.


Wild-Caterpillar76 t1_je3uodd wrote

I understand your view on your side note but how you worded your response does not indicate that. You’re stating that it’s “most likely” anxiety and not something else. Obviously, I could be anything but but stating most likely, you’re indicating it is that. That is horrible advice. It doesn’t matter if it happened to me or someone I care about. I care about people struggling with their health who are dismissed by shit doctors and people who believe nonsense rhetoric such as it’s anxiety.