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therealnai249 t1_jec0m0d wrote

Hold that power button and smother that fucker out


Br00klynShadow t1_jec8g42 wrote

Yeah this is what I do if its late at night, I just dont care anymore


Cindexxx t1_jec9f86 wrote

I just hit the PSU switch.

Time to turn off motherfucker.


Br00klynShadow t1_jecao67 wrote

Damn, fr unplugged the life support


SnowMantra t1_jecbqyd wrote


Flip the breaker.


Br00klynShadow t1_jecbuen wrote

Nah, go outside and destroy the meters


TheBrightNights t1_jecmqau wrote

Amateur. Just go blow up the distribution network.


Koda_20 t1_jecnyzr wrote

Simply peel back the electromagnetic field


Nawnp t1_jedwv0h wrote

EMP pulse your neighborhood, it might do the job.


Koda_20 t1_jee7bhk wrote

Might want to just make a hole in space-time to be sure you know?


Robot1me t1_jeccqc9 wrote

>I just hit the PSU switch.

This is very bad for your hard drives by the way. Holding the power button instead gives the motherboard a chance to signal the hard drives, for them to park themselves correctly.


Cindexxx t1_jeh3qrk wrote

I don't have HDDs in my desktop. Just the server for backups, and it doesn't get turned off.


looncraz t1_jeefakn wrote

My Linux based PCs shut down so fast there's not enough time for that.

Holding the power button to power off takes 4 seconds, Linux shuts down in about 2.5 seconds, with the rare time when a stop task has to run longer.

Bootup of the kernel is under 0.5 seconds, to the login in 3 seconds (most of that time waiting for the screen resolution to switch), from login to a fully loaded system is above 1.5 seconds.

Windows is just slow and terrible, as it always has been.


Apocrophon589 t1_jeekuno wrote

Linux users try not to mention that they use Linux during any single microsecond of their life challenge (IMPOSSIBLE) 🤯😱🤯😱


Advanced-Blackberry t1_jeejhc9 wrote

Get with the times. It’s less than 10sec to login from cold boot in windows. The extra few seconds doenst matter.


looncraz t1_jeeju0t wrote

Windows starts to login quickly, it's slow after that, and shutting down is generally much slower.


therealnai249 t1_jefuuy9 wrote

Who cares if it takes 2.5 seconds or 10 seconds to shut down. I’m literally done using it lol


looncraz t1_jeg18yr wrote

Sometimes you're just restarting, sometimes you need to disconnect power... those are times when it matters.

The longest time between each system with Windows forced updates is also WAY beyond a few seconds in difference, well into many minutes.


therealnai249 t1_jeg3jx0 wrote

If I need to restart I just press the restart button on my case and that turns it off instantly and starts the restart (not sure if that’s even a good thing).

And also, I simply can’t help but feel you’re grasping at straws. No one’s life is impacted That much by a 4 second difference in restart times you goober.

I agree with the updates they can’t definitely take a few minutes which is absolutely miserable.


looncraz t1_jeg5yd7 wrote

The reset button is not a safe way to restart, so I hope you're joking.

The shutdown speed is simply a comparison point between two products, shorter is better.


therealnai249 t1_jeget00 wrote

It’s worked for about 8 years so far 😆

Also you give off the most Linux 🤓 vibes I’ve ever seen lol