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fiddlenutz t1_jdp8ars wrote

This is how it works. They need to send you to the retention team and not sales.

Horrible LPT.

You really want to speak with someone. Don’t say a word in the voice prompts. It will transfer you to a live person usually.


raquetracket t1_jdpzfh6 wrote

I didn’t hear your response. Goodbye


FlyingSpagetiMonsta t1_jdq6kgl wrote

This is what happens if you stay silent.


The_RockObama t1_jdqz35g wrote

For all other inquiries, press 10.


Biojack0 t1_jdu2c1o wrote

"To mark this message as urgent, press eleven." 'There is no eleven, you fucking whore!' -Church, Red vs Blue


jelliott79 t1_jdrww86 wrote

Knowing my luck, I'd stay silent and get the 'ol "we've been trying to reach you regarding..."

Hard pass. I'll just curse into the phone, as usual. Half the time it works 100% of the time.


toejamandtoast t1_jdrhts7 wrote

Yep have had this happen multiple times. Also happens if you say operator or representative too many times.

They know.


PrincessKatyusha t1_jdrgsug wrote

I have to schedule medical transportation (rides to doctor appointments paid for by insurance) a lot and maybe a year ago they added an automated system. Half the time it can't understand me, the other half I go through the whole process of giving it the info to schedule the ride and at the end (a whole half hour of progress) it goes, without fail, "I'm sorry, I'm having trouble processing this. Let me get you someone who can help." And I have to give all the info AGAIN to a damn live agent! It's so aggravating! I make a complaint to the agent every time because I've asked and they said they do make a report to their management when people do. They hate it too.

Oh and if you don't say anything it just hangs up, no words.

There used to be a way to skip the automated stuff by saying "other" when it asked why you were calling but they patched that out I guess because now it just doesn't do anything other than give a tiny bit of info and send you back.


HaikuBotStalksMe t1_jdq4fjz wrote

"I'm sorry, I did not hear your response. Please state the reason for your call ...



I'm sorry, I did not hear your response. Good bye!"


drJanusMagus t1_jdsdhuf wrote

this has happened to me a few times when I was saying the reason lol.


wildadragon t1_jdpdmpq wrote

Or input the wrong info multiple times.


theplushpairing t1_jdpoygz wrote

0 0 0 or agent


trv2003 t1_jdqjy4y wrote

0's got me auto disconnected last time I tried that.


isaac9092 t1_jdqs0b4 wrote

Yeah these tips really don’t work for the larger companies anymore. The only real power we have is to have the perseverance to eventually get a person, then explicitly telling them exactly where their company can shove it after they’ve assisted you (of course remind them it’s nothing personal against the person, the company is just shit)


Cetun t1_jdrqlzm wrote

Ive used ones that will hang up on you if you do that. Or if it can't understand what you're saying, it just hangs up on you .


ItIsAnOkayLife t1_jdq816i wrote

Wellllllll the title says you will be transfered to a real person right away. They didn't say that the person could help ya.


boodlesgalore t1_jdq2ps1 wrote

Not every company has retention team or sales team. Most companies have customer service agents that do everything. It's not that horrible. It's something I've been doing for years, except I don't say upgrade, I just ask a different question.


DragoonDM t1_jdq4i7n wrote

Saying "representative" has usually worked for me.


DMOrange t1_jdqm2yq wrote

This is so true. I worked at Comcast as a “Customer Account Executive” aka salesperson. Any time anyone would want to cancel, we would have to transfer them. We simply didn’t have the ability to cancel plans on our systems.


OutlanderMom t1_jdqsnuy wrote

Push # or zero repeatedly when the robot talks. That usually gets me a human operator.


ImARedJay t1_jdqo0ej wrote

Or just say that you'd like to speak to a representative. The automated voice will usually stop in it's tracks to redirect the line to costumer service.


Guy954 t1_jdu23fy wrote

Lol, what year are you living in? That doesn’t work anymore.


Edgezg t1_jdrgj17 wrote

What this does is bypas the wait.
You get more directly transfered to the right persona and are more liekly to handle a real person than a machine


Turbulent-Pea-8826 t1_jds9u9r wrote

It so much depends on how they set it up. Sometimes it will work sometimes it won’t. Sometimes if you pick the prompt for Spanish you will get someone who speaks Spanish but they usually also speak English. So sometimes that works.


Suspicious_Hotel9219 t1_je18u0t wrote

Best shot, say something weird. System recognizes that you're trying to say something and will verify a bunch of times and then get you to someone. Pressing random buttons or staying silent is more likely to result in disconnect or etc because it has been engineered to do that to discourage people trying to skip the line.