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kytoronto t1_jdv7716 wrote

melatonin for adhd? do you just mean to help sleep so you're less forgetful? for some reason melatonin doesn't work for me at all. I tried taking it a few times, it just makes me wake up in 2 hours and it didn't help me fall asleep any faster.


dfreinc t1_jdv80f4 wrote

yea, that was my thinking. i'm only going by my wife and kid but if they don't sleep well they are completely scatterbrained the next day.

i use melatonin if i'm wide awake and it's too late to be wide awake. i've read other users having to take wildly varying dosages to get any effect. sometimes only a tiny amount (.3-.5mg) helps people, then there's other people popping like 10mg. seems like a very trial and error/everybody's different type of med.

best to take it a few hours before bed and not at bed time in my experience.


kytoronto t1_jdv8jsf wrote

thank you for the quick response!

I have tried taking it earlier before, it just doesn't do anything when i sleep then :(

haven't tried a heavy dosage yet though! I got a little spooked when it just made me wake up from a nightmare after 2 hours a coupon times. like it just seemed to make things worse for me. I wonder if different brands of melatonin make a difference.

if you or anyone has experienced something similar and got it to work please let me know :)


dfreinc t1_jdv9ugp wrote

>haven't tried a heavy dosage like you suggested yet though!

i'm not exactly suggesting it, i was just stating it. 😂

being hesitant about that just means you're cautious, which you should be taking any meds. definitely research it. i'm a lucky one, low doses work great for me.

i know some people are brand name loyal but i've never noticed any difference with melatonin personally.

you could also try zquil gummies if the melatonin doesn't work itself. it's got melatonin in them but it's got some other stuff that helps sleep. they're pretty non-habit forming, i was taking them for awhile and then just stopped one day, wasn't a big deal.


kytoronto t1_jdva1v9 wrote

sorry! didn't mean to put words in your mouth :) I edited my post! (in case someone doesn't read this far) thanks for adding your experience!