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mvfsullivan t1_je7nxit wrote

I'm like this too. I literally have impending doom level anxiety attacks when taking blood where I am so light headed, ready to pass out that I think I'm dying and its so terrifying I think about actually wanting to die to get it over with. I have very bad anxiety and take benzos usually before getting blood work done, its that bad.

I learned something invaluable from my doc and have been fine since. It takes practise, but holy fuck trust me it works magic.

Breath out through the mouth longer than you breath in through the nose and on each breath out, focus on 1 of each sense, 4 times and repeat if necessary. It seriously works!!!

Normal breath in, long controlled breath out 1: Focus on one thing you can hear, really focus on it

Normal breath in, long controlled breath out 2: focus on one thing you can see, really get curious

Etc etc Breath out 3: focus on something you can feel, wiggle your toes, feel your shoes or wiggle your fingers and feel your skin

Etc etc Breath 4: focus on something you can smell, smell the fresh air, the perfumws

Etc etc Breath 5: focus on one thing you can taste, even if its just your saliva, or imagine what your fav food tastes like

All things NON surgery/hospital related

The breathing out through the mouth is important because it equalizes your heart, the senses are a distraction to the brain.