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GuairdeanBeatha t1_ja8jfs4 wrote

That’s the hard way. The easy way is to count the wings and divide by two.


Kixtay t1_ja8lhoa wrote

Why not count half of the bees and multiply by 2?


selfdestruction9000 t1_ja8rnho wrote

You’re making this more difficult than it needs to be, just count one bee and multiply by the total number of bees and you have your answer.


HGR09 t1_ja9a7f9 wrote

Count by 9s it’s faster than counting by 10s


intheyard305 t1_ja9t4su wrote

Oh that's how your doing it. Well I have a fool proof method. Wear total body covering, leaving your genitals and upper thigh exposed. Agitate hive vigorously until bees stop stinging. After 1/2 hour. Remove, then count stingers that is the female pop. The add 1/100 of that no. for male pop. Will give fairly reliable results. Easy peasy.


Reduce1 t1_ja9tfb5 wrote

The answer is one. One b in beehive.


jimmybond195168 t1_jaawex5 wrote

My Dad had over 400 hives of bees. I can't overstate the number of times he told me to guess half and multiply by two.