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hellsruler337 t1_j6e6mzp wrote


‟Bob, write his name down”


Jackrwood t1_j6eao15 wrote

Jesus Christ walks into a bar...

He spots a Russian man with a glass of water. He asks "My son, are you a believer?" The Russian replies "No." Jesus waves his hands and behold! The glass is changed to wine. "Well my son, do you believe now?" The Russian frowns and shakes his head.

The next day, Jesus comes into the bar and sees the same man. "My son, are you a believer yet?" The Russian replies "No." With a wave of his hands, Jesus again changes it to a glass of wine. "Well my son, now you surely believe?" The Russian frowns and shakes his head.

On the third day, Jesus enters the bar and approaches the Russian. "My son, are you a believer yet?" The Russian looks up "If i say I believe, will you just leave my vodka alone today?"


achihorek t1_j6e7ir9 wrote

Yeah, but ‟OP” stands for ‟Original” poster.


lustrousSkinful t1_j6e8ks7 wrote

The old joke about Nebraska University football team: the N on the helmet stands for Nowledge.


No-Information-1133 t1_j6e7bvg wrote

He’s fucked the rest of us already so no surprise that he’s stooped to this
