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One-Butterscotch6076 t1_j63a1k8 wrote

An elderly lady goes to see the doctor. "Doctor," she asks, "my husband has not made love to me for years. Can you suggest anything ?" The doctor suggests some tablets. "My husband refuses to take tablets." She replies sadly. "Well," the doctor tells her ", perhaps you could put them in his coffee?".

Two days later, the lady is back "Oh, doctor, those tablets are amazing. I put them in his coffee as you suggested, and he went wild, swept everything off the table and made passionate love to me!" The doctor smiles and says how pleased he is to have helped. After a short pause, the lady says, "it did give the customers in McDonald's a shock!"


yeah-whateva t1_j640hz7 wrote

Story time:

So I'm standing in a wet puddle of mop water when I go to unplug the ice cream machine. I felt a jolt.

I was shocked.