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thomask1989 t1_j5xjlmy wrote

I like how this is more of a practical joke / prank. Reminds me of this:

You walk into a random store and act all excited. You ask someone: ‘Quick, what year is it?!’ They say: ‘Ehmm 2023, why?’ And then you just run out of the store screaming: ‘It worked! It worked! I can’t believe it fucking worked!’

Maybe wear some 80s clothes for a real Back to the future vibe


RandoCalrissian11 t1_j5ybvwg wrote

Instead of saying it worked, you then ask “have they arrived yet?” Implying aliens are about to make contact.


ApatheticZero187 t1_j5yie8h wrote

I think I'd go for more of a Terminator vibe... implying a threat from the future... then you could also run into the store naked.