Submitted by Arkady2009 t3_10ppt1b in Jokes

During his inspections, he notices a camel tied up outside the barracks. Seeing a soldier standing nearby, the captain enquires as to the camels presence.

“Well, as you know, there are more than 200 men here, yet there are no women in these parts, and sometimes the lads get an urge, you know?”, says the soldier.

A month later, the captain starts feeling the urge to relieve his stress. He spies the camel, tied up outside the barracks. He finds a ladder, sets it behind the camel, climbs up and jackhammers the animal until he’s fully sated.

Climbing down, and out of breath, he says to the soldier nearby, “So, that’s how the men do it, is it?”.

The soldier shakes his head in bewilderment. “No...they usually just ride the camel to the brothel”.



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Top-System-8772 t1_j6lsdvl wrote

Why would you ride a camel to the brothel if you can just drive a humvee?


GeneOtheGreen t1_j6m1uqm wrote

In army E-7 and above only have to sign for possession of the vehicle. Not where/when going to.


El_dorado_au t1_j6mqexh wrote

You know obesity is a growing problem when the original version of the joke involved a donkey.


Normal-Ad6528 t1_j6n855j wrote

You poor guys! I was USAF and a fighter pilot. I could be in Rome in a little over 2 hours with my F-15E and drop tanks.........

The camels are prettier there.


MattStrasser t1_j6nvp60 wrote

But isn't a bot capable of basic maths? Would a question that only a human could answer be better? Like ask "What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?" Or perhaps some obscure reference to an old movie?


IrishTerminator t1_j6ogxg4 wrote

Move along....nothing to see here....just the captain getting the hump


Cowboy_Reaper t1_j6oovt2 wrote

They told the captain to get on the camel and go to town, but his definition of go to town was a little different.


Gafanha1 t1_j6pe40s wrote

You fool that Camel is Kitcher Lisley's (no idea how to spell it) girlfriend.