Beef strokin’off…
Waitsfornoone t1_j2bjb7h wrote
No relevance.
realmuffinman t1_j2c03um wrote
I believe it's r/wooooshwithfouros
chichovladigero t1_j2ajxxf wrote
Beef Jerky
IllAcanthopterygii36 t1_j2b43qx wrote
Important_Muffin_212 t1_j2api2j wrote
What do you call 100 nuns in a shop?
Virgin megastore.
valwongmy t1_j2aignf wrote
A feminist convention.
pisitwatjanarat t1_j2aj3eg wrote
Would‘ve also accepted ‟Beef Strokin-Off”.
10 points to Gryffindor.
Coinsworthy t1_j2bn1qi wrote
Circle jerky
DeplorableKurt t1_j2bred6 wrote
Why does there have to be 100?
PhraeaXes t1_j2am0by wrote
I think Texans might allow "Chicken choked steak" as well.
thatdeaththo t1_j2b1ika wrote
hellokitty284 t1_j2bxyfn wrote
What happened to the nsfw flair
MunkyOfDoom t1_j2c7x0w wrote
A Wisconsin kegger. Badum-bum
[deleted] t1_j2dss3u wrote
Do you know what you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef. Do you know what you call a cow with 3 legs? Lean beef. Do you know what you call a cow with 2 legs? Yo mama
MatthewM69420 t1_j2ba04m wrote
r/woosh me if you will, but does there being 100 of them have any relevance to the punch line?