Submitted by TheJacksquatch1992 t3_zzzq8t in Jokes

The teacher was going down the list, asking students to use the words in a sentence.

"Rectum," she said, and Johnny eagerly waved his hand, but she had some experience with Johnny - meaning his use of obscene words - so she called on Susie instead.

The next word was "defecate," and again, she thought it best not to call on Johnny despite his enthusiastically raised hand.

Finally, she came to "urinate," and figured Johnny couldn't do much harm with that one. Sure enough, he raised his hand, practically leaping out of his desk to make sure she saw him. "Ok, fine, Johnny," she said reluctantly.

"Urinate," Johnny said. "Teacher, urinate. But if your boobs were bigger, you'd be a 9."



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Triforcefisher t1_j2eqvm4 wrote

She was throwing softballs to Little Johnny. That’s on her.


Umpteenth_zebra t1_j2ercfx wrote

Aren't all these words 'inappropriate' anyway? I don't get how 'twisting' urinate and rectum and other stuff you would only talk about in biology class into mildly sexual comments is even any worse than the original meaning of the words.

I don't really think that sex and bodily functions are obscene, but usually they go hand in hand?

Idk, maybe I'm over-analysing this.