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solemnlyOvergrow932 t1_ixul8ga wrote

I thought this was going to be this joke:

>A bear and a rabbit are in the woods taking a shit.
>The bear says to the rabbit, ‟Hey rabbit, you got a problem with shit sticking to your fur?”
>The rabbit replies, ‟No, bear, I don‘t.”
>So the bear picks up the rabbit and wipes his ass with him.


catsRspies t1_ixuvhxt wrote

I think the punchline is: So the bear wiped his ass with the rabbit.

Goes like this

A bear and a rabbit are taking a shit in the woods.

Bear turns to the rabbit and says, "Excuse me, do you have problems with shit sticking to your fur?"

The rabbit says, "No."

So the bear wiped his ass with the rabbit.


jejunum32 t1_ixvr6xk wrote

I hate to be that guy but if the rabbit says shit doesn’t stick to his fur then why would the bear wipe his ass with him? Shit wouldn’t leave the bear and go to the rabbit fur.

We use toilet paper bc shit sticks to toilet paper.


BodaciousBadongadonk t1_ixvvri3 wrote

That's why he asks if he has a problem with it instead. I was trying to think of this one at work a while ago and couldn't quite remember it right, instead I said "do you have an issue with shit sticking to your fur?"


jejunum32 t1_ixwhhg4 wrote

Problem with shit sticking to his fur? I imagine a rabbit would say yes if shit actually stuck to his fur. If he says no, then that means shit don’t stick to his fur.

If shit don’t stick to his fur then he would make bad toilet paper


Dietcokeisgod t1_ixwret9 wrote

No, regardless of how well shit sticks to his fur, the rabbit is likely to take issue, ie, 'have a problem' with shit sticking to his fur. He doesn't like it.


ScreamoNeo t1_ixyvs8z wrote

Same. My dad told me that one when i was a kid and it’s always so fucking brilliant