Submitted by LadeeAlana t3_ydtnrd in Jokes

"Did you check the victim's pulse?"

"No, I did not."

"Did you check if the victim's breathing had stopped?"

"No, I did not."

"Did you check for any signs of brainwave activity?"

"No, I did not."

"Then how do you even know the victim is dead?"

"Well, his brain is in a jar on my desk right now, but for all I know he might be out practicing law somewhere."



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MtPollux t1_ituald6 wrote

The coroner's job isn't to check for signs of life. By the time someone gets to the coroner they've already been pronounced dead by a doctor.


Lopsided-Advice-5027 t1_itug0dg wrote

Didn’t this actually happen though? I’m sure I read it in a book that had records of actual conversations


third-try t1_ituo32i wrote

"He has the heart of a servant!"

"But he says he's an atheist!"

"He has it in a jar on his desk. I've seen it myself."


GrumpyCatStevens t1_itussu3 wrote

"When was your child conceived?"

"August 25."

"And what were you doing at that time?"

"Getting laid."


Shiroiken t1_itv4nqa wrote

Depends on the location. In some areas (especially rural counties) the coroner provides official "statement of death," and the body's supposed to remain in place until they can do so. Happened to a neighbor when her grandson ODed in her bathroom, and they wouldn't let her back in the house for several hours until she arrived.


Tubist61 t1_itv5p15 wrote

The joke falls completely flat when you realise the Coroner is the person officiating at any inquest. The person carrying out a post mortem examination is a pathologist. The Coroner might be the one asking the question...


houstonyoureaproblem t1_itvdxro wrote


You’re correct that cross examination questions have to be within the scope of the topics discussed on direct examination.

I was taking about the form of the question. Many people including a number of attorneys don’t understand the difference between cross and direct. On direct, questions like my second example are prohibited because they lead to a specific answer. Those kinds of questions are only permitted on cross.


houstonyoureaproblem t1_itvi878 wrote

I’m an attorney, and I deal with it all the time.

The rules on leading are incredibly relaxed in state court proceedings, likely because many people don’t really understand the rule. But it’s a different story in federal court. I’ve seen judges end direct examination by federal prosecutors when they continued to ask leading questions over objection.


johnmarkfoley t1_itvnk34 wrote

fun fact: a Coroner does not necessarily have to be a doctor or a medical professional at all. in some places it's an elected, administrative position. The person who performs autopsies is a Medical Examiner.


Matt2841 t1_itvof35 wrote

This was a courtroom exchange.


333H_E t1_itx409p wrote

That's not a joke it's taken from Disorder In The Court a collection of ridiculous things pulled from actual court transcripts.


OttersBeVaping t1_ityqs3z wrote

This is an actual, real life exchange between a judge and a pathologist just so people know. I wonder if there's an audio log or something floating around.


houstonyoureaproblem t1_itzv4hc wrote

Fair enough. That would be terrible cross examination and likely put you and your client in a bad spot, but I’d say you’re right that a prosecutor wouldn’t want to interrupt if a defense attorney was screwing things up that badly.


Ben_Hocking t1_itzzh05 wrote

I'm not sure how non-leading yes/no questions would screw things up, assuming you knew the answer to the yes/no question ahead of time. (And if you don't, then the leading question might actually be worse, in my non-lawyer opinion.) To use your example, I don't see a significant difference (under cross-examination) between the two questions:

>So not “Did you check the victim’s pulse?” but “You didn’t check the victim’s pulse, did you?”

Again, I recognize that you know more than I do and have vastly more experience in the court than I do*, so I admit ahead of time that I might be missing something.

*My experience is limited to unsuccessfully fighting a traffic ticket when I was a young adult and serving on two juries.


RantMannequin t1_itzzv7p wrote

Pathologist not Coroner.Coroners don't (normally) do autopsies anymore. They're county elected officials that often don't have any medical degree. Their job is to serve as a liason between the media, medical officials and the police.


houstonyoureaproblem t1_iu076hy wrote

Typically speaking, cross examination is an effort to develop testimony that supports your theory of the case or makes specific points you believe are important.

The idea is to ask specific questions that you know the witness will have to answer a particular way. Leading questions allow you to guide the witness where you want to go. Direct questions are open-ended and often allow the witness to explain things in greater detail.

It's all strategy, but I can assure you asking direct questions on cross-examination isn't a good approach. But you're absolutely right--Rule #1 is to be sure not to ask questions if you don't already know how the witness will answer.