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steelgeek2 t1_isb1v70 wrote

"No, you see I'm not anti-trans because it's just a joke! It's no big deal"


adamzam t1_isba4sn wrote

I'm trans and this joke is in good taste.


Skrrrtdotcom t1_iscx3gn wrote

I'm trans and the joke isn't funny. It's almost as if we're two different people


adamzam t1_isexeao wrote

Even if it's not funny, it's clear that it's not meant to be hurtful.


steelgeek2 t1_isbs4b8 wrote

Fair enough I suppose. I used to know a guy that was racist, homophobic, etc. He would always start with these little jokes and end up full blown, while saying what I posted.
Just reminded me of that asshole I guess.


Flimsy-Fee-9439 t1_ise5s0x wrote

I see nothing transphobic here, also, it’s not the person’s fault if they are straight or bi or pan. If im looking for a hookup, i’d like to know if the organ is what im looking for. If im looking for a serious relationship, it doesnt matter much. Everyone has a different preference and thats ok.


ktsktsstlstkkrsldt t1_iseehs9 wrote

Okay, how exactly is this anti-trans? The joke is simply that the man already went and said "I'm okay with that" before realizing she was talking about transsexuality and not religion. Most of the humor just comes from the clever word-play on "Christian".

What anti-trans message does this joke really carry? Does it imply that the man isn't fine with her being trans? Maybe. Does that make the joke anti-trans? Not really. That's mostly just the reader's own assumption. The joke doesn't explicitly mock trans people in any way.

This is a joke featuring a transsexual person, that draws most of its humor from the fact they're trans in a non-mocking way. That's quite different from, for example, most jokes about jews or black people. It's situational comedy, not offensive humor.