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[deleted] t1_jczvhar wrote

first jizz joke I've seen on this sub that's actually funny.


tetchilyEngage t1_jczw7xj wrote

This number (37.5 Mb) gets reported all of the time and it's very wrong. A single sperm has 3.5 billion base pairs of DNA in it. Since there are 4 possible bases, that means each position in DNA could store four bits of information. That gives 14 billion bits of information. Assuming 8 bits per byte, that 1.75 billion bytes of information or 1.63 Gb (at 1,073,741,824 bytes per gigabyte). That corresponds to roughly 43 times as much information as 37.5 Mb.


RightSniff t1_jczxlzc wrote

Like a USB stick it takes me at least three tries to insert it right.


FooJenkins t1_jczy5cn wrote

People aren’t joking when they call your mom a smart ass


MrPrul t1_jczypkh wrote

Is it necessary to do a backup?


portuga1 t1_jczztdr wrote

The bandwizz is impressive. What’s your provider?


TheTalkingMagpie t1_jd0065o wrote

No wonder downloading porn took so long back in the days of dial up modems!


not_a_droid t1_jd0e845 wrote

More proof we are destructive; or invasive


Ok_Swan_3053 t1_jd0hsn0 wrote

Depending on position it could be a data upload or down load from the hard drive. Don't forget about back door access for some data.


Arkvoodle42 t1_jd0l8rk wrote

Three hundred zillion sperm & THAT's the one that got through.


lightcon_consumed t1_jd0n5kc wrote

For some people that is the fastest data transfer they will ever see!


aeroglava t1_jd0yep5 wrote

Don't fret, I'm sure you'll manage.


Quinexalt t1_jd12b71 wrote

I have to be that asshole who points out that 1,000 TB is a PB so you should have said 1.5875 PB.


duglarri t1_jd1ntyw wrote

But the new sperm from LG coming out next month contains four times as much.


dickangstrom t1_jd1ouf0 wrote

And, I'm the asshole that has to chime in to say OP didn't really have to, though. They could've just as easily moved the decimal a bunch and stated it in yottabytes. There's no rule that says what SI prefix you have to use, convenient as it might be.


DerpVaderXXL t1_jd2kp00 wrote

Still using a floppy drive I see. And a 3.5 inch at that.


intheyard305 t1_jd5pexd wrote

So people are just wasting information errywhere, in toilets, bushes pillows, sock, vaginas, anuses etc. Never thought of that. Redditors are such deep thinkers🧐