I said I was going to do a chemistry joke next, but now I'm afraid of the reaction.
CranberryPossible659 t1_jd5rryo wrote
The only way to find out is to run the experiment.
Cheesypotatoes745 t1_jd5wau1 wrote
I used to come here for jokes about noble gasses but all of them argon
Consistent_Royal_948 t1_jd6bw07 wrote
It’s a turn off!
LyricalJessieJames t1_jd6e519 wrote
Jokes are neither created or destroyed, but are instead changed from one form to another...
intheyard305 t1_jd7fepg wrote
Wife- I want a divorce.
afar1210 t1_jd97m5v wrote
Just make sure to buffer it so it doesn't become too basic
Bentup85 t1_jd5n40y wrote
I’m sure you’ll find a solution