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Macca49 t1_jdsfap8 wrote

Tarzan found Jane in the jungle, naked after her clothes were torn off by thorns. They looked at each other for a moment.

‘What is your name?’asked Jane


‘That’s it?’

Tarzan though for a moment then…

‘Tarzan Of The Jungle.’

Jane nodded. Tarzan then asked…

‘What your name?’


Tarzan mused on this. Looked her up and down.

‘What whole name?’



Sociox t1_jdtedf7 wrote

I think my brains fucked itself from lack of sleep, but I don't get this :S


ItsWestlight t1_jdtqjqg wrote

The name of her "hole".

Whole name = hole name.

She thinks he's asking what her vagina's called instead of her entire name like she asked him.


Sociox t1_jdxpiup wrote

Oh, duh. Thank you kind stranger!