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JBluehawk21 t1_jch0wk2 wrote

You could make a fair amount of money off a bottle of alcohol that never goes empty.


Professor-Clegg t1_jci1lne wrote

“For my second wish I’d like half of a fair amount of money”

“For my third wish I’d like the other half of a fair amount of money”

Wow, you’re pretty clever! That big brain of yours isn’t just a hat rack!


jet_heller t1_jcilgpt wrote

An infinite amount of money, one might say.


Lord_Havelock t1_jcj75nq wrote

No, because you'll eventually oversupply the market, and your product will lose value.

Of course you could still become very rich by selling it rationally, but try for infinite and you'll either crash your business, or the entire economy.


Groinificator t1_jcjtcnt wrote

I doubt an entire economy would crash over just an oversupply of alcohol

Also, isn't alcohol a pretty non-durable good? It's not like someone gets a single drink and is done. You can sell alcohol to the same person plenty of times...


Lord_Havelock t1_jcktm1t wrote

Oh sure. Like I said you could absolutely make a ton of money. Just not infinite.

And as realistically unlikely as you alone crashing the global economy is, it would still happen before you got infinite money.


jet_heller t1_jck1brl wrote

You'll only oversupply the market if you sell it off quickly. If instead, you sell several dozen to a hundred shots out of it every day in your own little bar you will never do that.


Grantley34 t1_jcj38cd wrote

But why does he need two of them?


theservman t1_jcjnaph wrote

Whisky, vodka, and rum.


Grantley34 t1_jcjp207 wrote

If he had specified a different kind of liquor, sure, but he didn't, so the genie will give him exactly the same bottle with exactly the same contents


superkoning t1_jcjbddf wrote

two? three!


Grantley34 t1_jcjcbpx wrote

Well, if he doesn't need two, he sure as hell doesn't need 3!


GerManiac77 t1_jcklufe wrote

With a bottle that is never empty there is a chance he’ll be pretty drunken pretty often. He may break his magic bottle. Then he had two spare magic bottles