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bisho t1_ix8l0hd wrote

I disagreed with quite a few. I thought they looked better and answered truthfully. If the opinions are subjective, why mark it incorrect?


mr_oof t1_ix9ugsh wrote

Nice try, machine-learning engineers.


waynewex t1_ixa77ze wrote

The activity indicator question (Michelle Evans) is confusing. It says 2 hours ago underneath her name, which suggests that she was last active 2 hours ago. If that's the case, then why would it be a green dot? Most people associate green with online now.


LorestForest t1_ixdpgj7 wrote

The hard ones are just painfully annoying. Like I’m supposed to see a pixel of a difference? It just turned into a guessing game at the end. Interesting concept. Needs better execution.


Creptaw t1_ixpbpg2 wrote

I picked everything correct. Coincidence? IG NOT. You just need to get better eye for designs. Design can be subjectives but rules to get right designs are not. OP did great job.