Submitted by Ok_Yogurtcloset_769 t3_yzxa68 in InternetIsBeautiful

Is there any way to block YouTube across every Device in the house?? I have a sneaky child who just re-downloads it each time I delete it. I’ve yes, put parental controls, passwords, restrictions but those don’t prevent you from downloading something you’ve already downloaded. It’s driving me insane I can’t keep this content out of my house. Literally all the tvs, his PlayStation, his Xbox, his iPad. He just turned 9 and watches terrible stuff and then acts really really bad. He’s grounded from all devices now and I’m going to get rid of his new PlayStation as a consequence. What can I do to make sure he can’t get access to it? He’s too young for this stuff and the stuff I caught on YouTube kids was sooo inappropriate for children I’ve been scared.



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jninethousand t1_ix2n082 wrote

You would likely need a dedicated hardware firewall in the long-run, but simpler solutions may buy some time. There are business firewalls that would be too expensive for practical home use, but some have a free version you could install on spare computer hardware. You don't need much power to run a home built firewall but your trade off here is going to be learning basic networking and how to build a computer that doesn't run Windows.

You can also look into solutions that simply point DNS to a service that blocks whatever sites you choose. It's not too hard to get around though, either by reconfiguring or a VPN and it sounds like this kid will figure it out eventually if you aren't careful.

Ultimately, you're looking at IT to solve an HR problem. Yeah there's technology that can help but it won't take long to find the holes if you are not able to stay way ahead of it.


CravenLuc t1_ix2nhgc wrote

I agree that this is an HR problem.

That being said, pihole is great for this. Could even lockdown VPNs, or work entirely off of whitelists. It's a pain and constant whack-a-mole, but it can be done. Just not sure it's worth the effort compared to actual parenting.

Like, why does a 9 year old even have unsupervised access to this level of tech if he's being problematic? Physically take those away except for when he is explicitly allowed. If he needs a phone to be reachable, buy a dumb phone. Solve the problem on that level instead of over engineering the Chinese firewall.


pupebly83 t1_ix47896 wrote

Sir/Mam you need to calm down. I have a strong feeling you're overreacting a little bit. Taking away his PlayStation isn't going to solve anything either. I get it you want to be a responsible parent. I think I have a solution for you that isn't as nuts as what you're trying to achieve trying to China/Iran Firewall your house. Get someone to educate him about the dangers of the internet and how to avoid doing bad or wrong things on the internet. Maybe have someone set up a pihole with DNS settings that block pornography throughout all the internet in the house. That I can see being a reasonable thing to do. Kids shouldn't be watching porn at that young of an age. But trying to get him to stop using YouTube and raking away his games isn't really going to do anything. What videos is he watching on YouTube anyway?


Least-Ad7037 t1_ix2lfzj wrote

I don’t know if that’s possible