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TICKERTICKER t1_ja5qo8z wrote

Wondering about the pull out disaster. Do you have opinions about how it came about? Failure in DC or in the field? Any hindsight about what could have been done differently?


theboardwalkpodcast OP t1_ja5sb7s wrote

Oh boy, where to start? The decision to evacuate from Kabul instead of Bagram was heavily criticized, and unfortunately we all learned why. Removing servicemembers from Afghanistan before diplomats was also a poor decision. Acting as if everything was okay up until nothing was okay might have been the worst real-time decision. There were reports of State Department personnel acting as if everything was business as usual while the Taliban marched into Kabul.


A withdrawal should have started much sooner and been conducted out of Bagram. The Departments of State and Defense should have begun identifying and moving out SIV holders earlier. But that would have required an objective understanding of just how bad things were on the ground.


hangarang t1_ja6bcb4 wrote

“withdrawal out of bagram” = big e4 mindset. Not possible to secure a geo area that large with the force policy makers left the DoD. No contribution from foreign militaries an hour north. HKIA was the only real option.


theboardwalkpodcast OP t1_ja7c4x4 wrote

We couldn't accomplish anything with 2500 advisors in country. Which is why 5000 soldiers and marines were sent back in for the evacuation. If Bagram requires more people, and it would have, then you send more people.