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CheesingTiger t1_ja51m91 wrote

Not the AMA guy but this wasn’t done by them. Those decisions are made far, far above the level anyone of these guys worked at.


bitesized-planetoid t1_ja52mg5 wrote

Well George W. isn't doing an AMA so kind of hard to ask him?


sharabi_bandar t1_ja59khh wrote

Watch the movie W. It will show you why and how the war happened. Rice and Rumsfeld were running the show.


thebolts t1_ja7trjg wrote

Was Rice or Rumsfeld charged for their illegal war or crimes against humanity?


ubernoobnth t1_ja83rnm wrote

No because they made people rich in the process.


thebolts t1_ja85zwd wrote

You can say the same for Putin and his oligarchy