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TheHandsomebadger t1_j86irdw wrote

Do you really think your game is even tangentially related to half the gaming subreddits you post about it on?

I get that you're trying to market it all on your own, but I've seen you post about your game in so many different random subs that I genuinely have no idea what you game could even be.


ackme t1_j86tzxg wrote

I read this and was like "damn, that's unnecessary," but then I looked through his post history and, well, damn, that's what's unnecessary. Jfc


iamahill t1_j881eul wrote

I just read the weirdest collection of posts on Reddit by one account. That means something as I’ve used Reddit for over a decade (many accounts).

I think the game is a grift.


I_AM_FERROUS_MAN t1_j87lba4 wrote

I mean, if it's a 1 person indie dev, I'm not going to really hold it against them for trying.

I'd guess the creator is young and doesn't exactly have a lot of resources to market.


10xkaioken t1_j88gzqk wrote

For real, what they expect, him paying 20k to a pr?


ambifiedpersonified t1_j88roat wrote

I like that they've taken the time to find a way to help different demographics relate to their project. I think it's thoughtful and has very likely been time consuming.


boxsterguy t1_j86rhmd wrote

The only question not answered. The only question worth answering.


tyeishing OP t1_j86y0dv wrote

I don't have anything to add- yeah the reddit marketing sucks, it's opportunistic for sure. Only thing I will say is that it's generally pretty well received and I follow the sub's particular rules.


tinyboiii t1_j87bopd wrote

Ah yes, classic Reddit.... Criticising someone for using the platform in a way that's completely rule-abiding for something they just don't like. Why do you care? Can't he spread his game to people who might enjoy it? I'm glad I saw this ama post, otherwise I wouldn't have heard about this and wouldn't have looked into a game I could've potentially enjoyed. Plus it's not like he copy-pasted in every subreddit. If you notice, he personalised each post to the subreddit it was going in to relate to the content. That's more than most would be willing to do. Get off your high horse dude.

Edit: am dumb, meant to respond to op commenter, point still stands


SendMoreAmmo t1_j87ilw9 wrote

It doesn’t bother me, but for what it’s worth I do believe Reddit has (used to have) a policy which was basically “it’s okay to have a business and a Reddit account, it’s not okay to have a Reddit account for your business”. And I remember something about less than a certain percentage of posts and comments being self-promo.

But like I said, I’m not annoyed by it really. The crap gets downvoted for the most part.

Edit: was it something I said? 😇


zefy_zef t1_j88fp0n wrote

Well technically anyone who uses reddit to spam attention to their onlyfans page is using it as a business account, and sometimes with a ridiculous percentage of posts.. They don't clog up the subs I go on, but I know it's a thing.