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Flaky_Ebb2465 t1_j5bloit wrote

How old were you when your symptoms started happening and what symptoms did you first experience? My sons paternal grandfather had chrons and I worry about my son. Thanks for any information you feel comfortable sharing! I hope you are able to get some relief!!!


CrohnsBoyTheThird OP t1_j5bti0p wrote

I was 17, but recently we've seen younger and younger people get diagnosed.

I think the symptoms are different depending on what age you are when the disease comes and how much damage the disease had done behind the scenes before its noticed.

If you're in a country with free healthcare I'd really reccomend scheduling a talk with your sons doctor to chat through it.

For me personally it began with dizziness, fatigue and extreme abdominal pain. I let it get really bad and then the rectal bleeding and hospital stays began - but I believe most can avoid that if they catch it in time.

I dont think Crohn's is guranteed to be passed genetically, I believe the science is still out on its cause being a mix of genetic and environmental factors - although studies do show if it's in your family you have a higher chance of developing it.


Flaky_Ebb2465 t1_j5bwkty wrote

I reallllllly appreciate your response! I have talked to his doctors about it (USA). He gets random stomach cramps and I cannot find a correlation of what could be causing it. It's maybe 4 times a year (he is 12, this started about 2 years ago and is less frequent every year). Doctor's did ultrasound and ran tests (thought he had appendicitis at first) said he was healthy. We eat very healthy, eats tons of veggies with his proteins. We cut out milk and cheese from his diet. He has never had soda or caffeine. Lots of water. Rarely ever has diarrhea. So I just automatically get freaked out anytime he gets stomach cramps. I will absolutely be bringing this up at his next appt. Thank you for your education on this. I never have stomach issues so I am not very knowledgeable, I've researched but talking with someone with personal experience is very appreciated! Sending you hugs and hoping you feel better soon!!


CrohnsBoyTheThird OP t1_j5bz3tv wrote

Don't worry too much. Stomachs hurt regularly in healthy people too !

I totally understand the worry though, but the good thing about Crohn's is, if you're not sure you have it, one day you will be certain.

The disease is still reasonably rare only 1 in a 1000 people will have it so the odds are in your favour - just keep an eye out just in case !

Preventative measures are a good place to aim, but no one can agree on any hard and fast rules to prevent the disease occurring in the first place. The few we have are below:

. No nicotine or tobacco use.

. Regular exercise

. Limited processed food.

Please do some careful and diligent cross-checked googling to make sure I haven't missed anything out above and try to ignore the conspiracy big pharma peoples advice, they convinced me to go off my meds and I lost a year of my life !