Submitted by AmeriCorpsCEO t3_10ayow9 in IAmA

Hi Reddit,   I’m Michael Smith. I serve as CEO of AmeriCorps, the federal agency for national service and volunteerism.   I am originally from Springfield, Massachusetts and I have dedicated my career to social justice and public service in underserved communities like those where I grew up.   I’ll start answering questions at 12 p.m. ET on Friday, January 13. I look forward to answering your questions and sharing more about volunteering opportunities on Martin Luther King, Jr. National Day of Service. MLK Day is the only federal holiday also designated as a day of service, and AmeriCorps has led this effort for the past quarter century.   You can find me here:   Twitter: @AmeriCorpsCEO   Site:


EDIT: Thank you for all your questions today! It was great to chat more about volunteering and service. To close out, I need to make a final plug: It’s not too late to make plans to volunteer for MLK Day. You can find volunteer opportunities in your community at And I hope it’ll inspire you to volunteer/serve all year long.

If you are interested in AmeriCorps service, please check out our Fit Finder to find the right opportunity for you:

I would love to chat with you all again, so follow me on Twitter (@AmeriCorpsCEO) to stay up to date with me and find out when the next AMA is.



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Nodnal t1_j478hu5 wrote

How would you respond to the criticism that AmeriCorps exploits and undervalue young bodies/labor? I think for a long time the corps was a legitimate and worthwhile way to build skills and find an entry point for a career-- these days it often seems that the organizations taking AmeriCorps money and running programs are just interested in cheap labor to fund their non profit operations, and the members are catching on-- recruitment is way down, corps "wages" have stagnated while even the most basic of jobs is now paying $15/hr, the education award hasn't remotely kept up with the price of education...etc. etc. How is it a viable option for anyone that doesn't already come from wealth and can afford to essentially subsidize AmeriCorps by paying their own living expenses for a year?


AmeriCorpsCEO OP t1_j47dp1x wrote

Thank you for the candid question. We work hard everyday to ensure AmeriCorps service provides transformative benefit to the communities where we serve and for the AmeriCorps members themselves. That’s why our more than 1 million alumni tell us their service experience made such a difference in their lives. They saw the near-term impact of their work—helping to address urgent local needs defined by communities—and they saw how their experience gave them a head start and leg up in their career paths.

On my watch—and with full support from President Biden and the Biden Harris Administration—we have also made sure to take a serious look on member benefits. We’ve steadily raised the minimum living allowance, encouraged grantees and their partners to go above and beyond the minimum, and President Biden recently called on Congress to raise the minimum living allowance to $15/hour by 2025.

We have about 60,000 AmeriCorps members, but we also have about 140,000 AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers. Benefits vary quite a bit from program to program—some of these benefits include a living allowance or volunteer stipend, housing, supplemental health insurance, loan deferment, and childcare. And we also know there are benefits around skills training and growing professional networks. Over 40% of alumni who find a job w/in 6 months of service found that job through an AmeriCorps connection. And we know that AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers are healthier, less depressed, and less socially isolated than those who do not serve.

Beyond this effort, we’re sharpening our other benefits. The Segal Education Award is now set to match the Pell Grant. We offer childcare vouchers, loan forbearance, health care (in many programs), training and wrap around supports to help members go from a year of service to a lifetime of service.

I grew up in a low-income community and I know what it means to have the resources you need to be able to serve your community. That’s why making sure AmeriCorps service reflects the diversity of our country and the communities we serve is a personal priority and passion. We’re not where we need to be, but we have our first ever equity plan, strategic plan and road map that confronts these issues head on and will make sure we get to where we need to be.


mixedliquor t1_j471kyi wrote

Has there been a noticeable trend, positive or negative, in volunteerism over the last 50 years?

I’d like to volunteer, but it seems like the working class has no time and it’s left to retirees and people with means to tolerate no income.


AmeriCorpsCEO OP t1_j478stl wrote

Yes on trends! I mentioned earlier that we publish findings every two years from our Volunteering and Civic Life in America Report – coming out this month. I don’t want to get ahead of data, but one thing is clear is that service and volunteering opportunities need to meet people where they are.

I think about this issue of barriers to service a lot. For example, we have 140,000 AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers who dedicate their time and talent, and we need to make sure they can afford the gas it takes to get to a volunteer opportunity. It’s something we’re working on closely with our colleagues in the Biden-Harris Administration, which has ensured an exponential increase in resources to expand benefits.

I’m also encouraged by the way volunteer and service programs were able to pivot during quarantines and lock downs in the earlier days of the pandemic. Some of the virtual opportunities we saw arise may be more accessible for people who have less time, and I’m optimistic that these will be part of the volunteering landscape going forward.


jcravens42 t1_j487sr2 wrote

hi, u/mixedliquor. There is a lot more flexibility now in volunteering than decades ago - there are lots more one-time volunteering gigs, and for the past 30 years, there's been online volunteering.

The bigger issue regarding volunteer engagement is that nonprofits don't have much funding to train those that are expected to create volunteering opportunities and support volunteers. There's an idea that volunteers just kind of magically happen.

If you are looking for volunteering opportunities that are super flexible, I recommend the American Red Cross (like their blood ambassador program), volunteering at ReStores operated by Habitat for Humanity, and, of course, virtual volunteering. There's also some terrific outdoor opportunities through your state's department of fish and wildlife.

Come on over to the r/volunteer subreddit for more advice.


jcravens42 t1_j4701tp wrote

Are you are following r/AmeriCorps and r/volunteer and r/communityservice?


AmeriCorpsCEO OP t1_j4752zh wrote

I’m brand new to Reddit so just learning what communities exist around national service and volunteering. What other communities exist around service?


mikadams t1_j46zks8 wrote

Hi Michael!

Thanks for being here! I’m a mid-career journalist/podcaster and want to get into public service after years of “unbiased” or passive community work.

How does someone like me work with AmeriCorps to find a new career path? Or even us the skills I have in a new way?


AmeriCorpsCEO OP t1_j475kef wrote

Great question! Whether you are age18 or 80, we have opportunities for you no matter what your interest is and no matter where you live. If you are looking to make a career change you can think about our many options including mentoring students, being the first to respond when disaster strikes, helping families facing hunger, restoring public lands, or even rehabilitating affordable housing. More than 80% of members that complete service say that it was a defining professional experience. And a GREAT way to grow your network. There are over 600 Employers of National Service (that provide recruitment and retention benefits to AmeriCorps alums. Check out our Fit Finder to see what’s right for you!


PeanutSalsa t1_j471820 wrote

What area of service receives the most volunteers on average? What area of service receives the least volunteers on average?

Or maybe, what areas are people most interested in helping with and which areas are people not? And does this pose any kinds of issues for your organization?


AmeriCorpsCEO OP t1_j476xon wrote

Every two years we publish our Volunteering and Civic Life in America report. The next report will be released this month, which will show how Americans came together during the pandemic.


AmeriCorpsCEO OP t1_j4775dn wrote

One of the things our agency is excited about as we discuss COVID-19 recovery is the creation of Public Health AmeriCorps. AmeriCorps and the CDC joined forces to launch this program and support the recruitment, training, and development of the next generation of public health leaders. This program has opportunities in almost every state. Check it out:


AmeriCorpsCEO OP t1_j477sqx wrote

Our 2019 findings show that about a third of Americans volunteer with an organization on a regular basis, and that Utah had the highest volunteer rate with 50% of Americans volunteering through an organization. You can learn more here:


MacarioTala t1_j47f9ka wrote

Hi Michael! Glad I stumbled on your AMA this morning.

I'm a big fan of Americorps,the idea of Americorps, and volunteering in general. The overall picture your "Civic Life in America" report shows a much more optimistic picture than what our own research has shown for the past two years.

Without spoiling too much, what are your big takeaways that didn't make it to the latest report?

Love the work you do!


Gen-Ross t1_j479f6l wrote

Hi Michael,

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer here.

My girlfriend just finished up serving a term with Americorps and mostly really enjoyed her service! Her cohort lead and her supervisors were worried about low applicant numbers for the coming year. Some folks were attributing this to generational differences and eagerness/willingness to volunteer.

What trends in application counts have you seen and do you foresee for the coming years?


AmeriCorpsCEO OP t1_j47cmng wrote

First, thanks to you and your girlfriend for serving! We love Peace Corps Volunteers, especially when we see so many serving as AmeriCorps members when they return home!

The last few years have been difficult for anyone recruiting anyone to serve or work – corporations, nonprofits, military. It’s forcing all of us to pay more attention to outreach and clearly articulate the benefits to serving. At AmeriCorps, the challenges in recent years have accelerated our efforts to raise the living allowance and think deeply about other wrap around benefits like housing, transportation and training. It’s also made us get smarter and sharper on recruitment and advertising. We have our first centralized recruitment team in more than a decade and are doing even more to reach potential members where they are - whether that’s traditional advertising or letting members take over our social media channels and share their stories any chance they get. Regardless, we have been thrilled to see robust interest from Americans of all generations in serving their country, and the great thing about AmeriCorps is we can quickly change with the needs of the community and the interest of those serving. For example, we helped more than 12 million people during the pandemic, and we have more than 15,000 AmeriCorps members working on disaster response and combatting the impacts of climate change.


jcravens42 t1_j4884h7 wrote

>Some folks were attributing this to generational differences and eagerness/willingness to volunteer.

The far bigger issues:

Cost of living. So many people just can't afford to volunteer. They can't afford gas,, they can't afford childcare.

Lack of awareness about volunteering. Many organizations, like volunteer fire stations, have not switched out they've been recruiting volunteers for decades.

If you visit the r/volunteer subreddit, you will see young people BEGGING to volunteer.


BellaTricksHP t1_j476fuy wrote

Why did you want to be the AmeriCorps CEO?


AmeriCorpsCEO OP t1_j479r3t wrote

This work is personal for me. I grew up in an underserved community in Western Massachusetts raised by teen parents who did not have a lot of financial resources. But what we had was a community that took care of its kids and neighbors kids so we could dream big dreams despite the zip code where we were born. I met my first AmeriCorps members – VISTA and Foster Grandparents – at my local Boys & Girls Club. They served alongside nonprofit professionals and a host of other volunteers who were not looking to get rich or famous – but were looking to do whatever it took to make hope and opportunity possible for kids like me. So, serving as CEO AmeriCorps is a full circle moment for me to bring the full weight and resources of the federal government and many partners to support communities like mine – all across the country – that are leveraging the power of community and national service to transform lives and strengthen communities.


AmeriCorpsCEO OP t1_j47a5xc wrote

+ One of the things that gets me most excited about this work is National Days of Service, like MLK Day (this coming Monday Jan 16). MLK Day is the only federal holiday that is also a national day of service. Like Dr. King said: Everybody can be great because anybody can serve. And while it’s just day one day the calendar, we know that volunteering even one time...can spark a lifetime of giving back. You can find an opportunity to serve at


seeker_of_waldo t1_j47b4uq wrote

As a one-time Americorp member I've always felt that, while serving in the military is a great sacrifice, it is only one way citizens can be of service to our country. What can be done to better promote alternate ways to be of service, like Americorp?


AmeriCorpsCEO OP t1_j47e50p wrote

Thank you for your service! We’re always looking to get the word out about AmeriCorps, and that’s part of the reason I’m on Reddit today to promote AmeriCorps and MLK Day of Service.

When you do serve or volunteer, please bring a friend, bring your child, bring your grandparents. Volunteering even just one time can spark a lifetime commitment to service. Please visit to learn more and find an opportunity to serve.


AmeriCorpsCEO OP t1_j47edj0 wrote

+ I will also say, national service programs are proud to have the dual honor of both serving our veterans and military families—and serving beside them. We are grateful to the more than 15,000 veterans who do currently serve as AmeriCorps members and volunteers and make AmeriCorps service their second act. I recommend this report from the National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service, which outlines ways that we can do even more to show the connections between and the importance of all types of service to the country:


fckcarrots t1_j47d229 wrote

Hey Mr. Smith,

Thanks for taking time to reach out on a platform that’s new to you. My question is, for a young professional who makes a comfortable enough salary to travel recreationally, what would be the best way to incorporate volunteerism into that? I did quite a bit with organizations in high school and college, but it’s seems like as we get settled into our careers, married, kids, etc. that life kind of gets in the way. It’s hard enough to find time just for a trip here and there.

I’d like service to become a regular thing, and if I could incorporate it into the travel I already do, it would help make it more commonplace with me, my friends, family etc.


jcravens42 t1_j488sr7 wrote

It's difficult to incorporate volunteering into travel you are doing for business because more organizations don't have the capacity to involve volunteers that aren't from the area. And drop-in-anytime volunteering is rare.

Most beach cleanups and trail cleanups allow you to pre-register, and you don't have to be from the area, so if you do some research before you are in an area and see if you can find that, you can sign up.

You can certainly arrange travel volunteering, like through HistoriCorps, which mobilizes volunteers to restore historic sites on public lands. State Departments of Fish and Wildlife often have volunteering weekends, where volunteers camp and spend their days restoring habitat or counting wildlife or releasing fish.

Such opportunities are noted on r/volunteer sometimes.


randomaltname t1_j476zfj wrote

What a year you've had; you finally got over the hump and won your first PDC major and then at the Ally Pally you nailed a 9-darter against MVG in the greatest leg of all-time on your way to securing your first World Championship. How do you feel after accomplishing all that?


AmeriCorpsCEO OP t1_j4799xe wrote

There are a lot of Michael Smiths... that one isn’t me, but it sounds like they had a great season!


mracidglee t1_j4982m4 wrote

As a taxpayer, I would like to know why your agency exists?
