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Lemonsnot t1_iu0mz71 wrote

How do you respond to people who believe pessimism is actually seeing reality and optimism is either choosing to ignore reality or (more crudely) a symptom of stupidity?


EightEyedCryptid t1_iu2y9ct wrote

Personally I find it is (somewhat) about surrendering control. Can I fix the huge problems in the world? Absolutley not. But I can work with what I have, and I can strengthen my community.


banjaxed_gazumper t1_iu0xvri wrote

I would rather live a long happy healthy life than “see reality”. If someone I cared about was pessimistic I would try to convince them to change their outlook so that they don’t die as soon.


Shivy_Shankinz t1_iu1y05b wrote

I think we all would. But some of us can't hide from reality once they see it. Sometimes reality just hits deeper than others I'd say


lukeman3000 t1_iu363nb wrote

I don't see it as hiding from reality. I see it as accepting reality. I don't see optimism and realism as mutually exclusive concepts.

Easy for me to say having not endured a fraction of the percentage of hardship that some have, but so far I think I've done pretty well in this regard.


Shivy_Shankinz t1_iu4nsft wrote

Yes, accepting certain realities is not easy. Why should we have to accept realities that are wrong or evil in this world. Those realities simply carry more weight for some than others, whether they accept them or not


falafelwaffle55 t1_iu3blv5 wrote

Yeah, reality unfortunately is very harsh, "life isn't fair" and all that. I find the silver lining in things when I can so I wouldn't say I'm super pessimistic, but when you've seen people you love die, watched people harm themselves and been harmed yourself, it's hard to say "everything will be okay". Because "okay" depends on what it is you desire


Shivy_Shankinz t1_iu4p1ek wrote

That's right. Something shifts inside once we have to endure or experience those types of realities. The shifts will be different for everyone, how we respond will be different.


falafelwaffle55 t1_iu3bfhs wrote

Pessimist response: "well, I've probably already done the damage" lol