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severe_fox0724 t1_ir1y62j wrote

What was the biggest surprise you learnt about the transgender community in Kashmir?

What made you choose this topic to focus on/ what is your process for choosing topics?


Luigi_Conte OP t1_ir21taw wrote

1 I think the biggest surprise is the amount of tolerance I witnessed towards the community considering the troubles that affect the area. In neighborhoods for example I always felt that asking for a transgender person's address has never created any humorous or whatever reaction.

2 The process was quite complicated: making it short...during my phd research I observed how masculine and feminine roles (as victims and perpetrators) are bringing on the vicious circle of violence in Kashmir. So I started to wonder...what about those who are outside this dichotomy? And isn't their interstitial position somehow resembling that of Kashmiris as a whole between Indian and Pakistani discourses? Then things, of course, have moved on!