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Lout324 t1_jc4gf60 wrote

Again, this just seems like a rhetorical justification: 'system stinks, might as well profit." How do you grapple with the day to day reality of "everybody cheats, my job is to explicitly help them. Look, I get it, spineless department chairs will rollover.

How do you all personally feel about shrugging your shoulders and just helping people cheat explicitly? You've crossed a line that you keep rationilizing away.

I hope your warrants you charge for in your writing are more cogent than the word games you've played here.


burglin t1_jc4nbor wrote

I agree with you—in the non-answer, we have our answer. Not that I think that what this guy doing is cut-and-dry morally wrong, but the point stands.


Faptain__Marvel t1_jckuvw5 wrote

It seems you don't like the answer, but the answer is pretty explicit.

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.