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SunKissed_ox OP t1_ja80rdk wrote

Update: I went to the gym but instead of 30 minutes on the treadmill, I did 10. I feel good. Not at all lazy anymore.


drallafi t1_ja8alkt wrote

Hah, you sound like me. I've been an avid gym goer most of my life and most days, getting there is a slog. I'll be cursing myself out for the first ten minutes (this sucks, I'm hungry, I wanna go home) but then, usually, the ENDORPHINS kick in and suddenly it's, "Awwwwh yeah baby! Gym kicks ASS, BABY!"

If I'm there for more than 10 minutes and still haven't hit the endorphins, I tell myself that day wasn't my day, and I'll try again tomorrow. But most days, I definitely don't regret going. And it sounds like you don't either!


meathole t1_ja8wpck wrote

Wait, you walk to the gym to get on a treadmill?


SunKissed_ox OP t1_ja8ww0p wrote

I do other stuff too


meathole t1_ja8xf31 wrote

Gotcha I was just curious if you were walking to go walk. I usually start out on an incline treadmill or bike to get the blood flowing as well.


hoosierwhodat t1_ja94608 wrote

A lot of people walk to the gym to use the treadmill. Sometimes the weather sucks and you don’t want to run outside. Or it’s dark and you feel unsafe running.

I run outside almost everyday for 9 months a year. But just find the indoors better when it’s below 25 or so.


jellybelly326 t1_ja9110g wrote

The days I only have 30% to give, I give 100% of that 30% and call it a day.

Good job, OP!


StoryLineOne t1_ja8ouij wrote

For me, whenever I find that I'm beginning to feel like it's a chore, I identify what exactly is causing me to feel that way. For instance, sometimes I need to try out a new exercise routine, or just swap out a few for different ones. Figuring out what's making you feel like you don't wanna go and finding a solution that makes you feel good is super important. Sometimes it won't all be fun and games, but working out should be something you enjoy. Just gotta find the right reason! :)


Wonderful-Watch3098 t1_ja8whfq wrote

One thing I recommend is, when you’re setting a goal at the gym to do something like… 30 minutes on the treadmill. It’s okay to take a break, if you need 10, 20, or an hour to take a break after 10 or 20 minutes, that’s okay. But you need to tell yourself “hey, it’s okay if you want to take a breather, but we’re not leaving the gym until we finish 30 minutes of running, that’s why we’re here.” Take what time you need to get those 30 minutes done, but you set that goal, and you’re working out your brain as much as your muscles to reach your goals by pushing to complete it despite what your brain says otherwise. Baby steps…

Treat this like a pool, there’s no need to leap from the diving board to learn how to swim. Dip your toes in the water everyday (or every other) until you get your whole leg in, then your hips, your stomach, and your arms, and now you’re floating.

It’s perfectly okay to come back another day if it’s too cold. But the only way to know is if you’re consistently dipping your toes in the water.


Carolineypants t1_ja910pv wrote

Maybe try to fit in some dynamic stretches and foam rolling as part of your shorter routines.. I mean you should definitely do that anyway but I personally think it’s a good practice to get into especially if you’re cutting your gym time. Just helps in the self care area.


Patty_Cheeze t1_jaamyun wrote

What's the point of driving to the gym, wasting gas, only to walk on a treadmill for 10 minutes when you can just walk outside for 10 minutes? Real walking is better for you than a treadmill as well.


Anonymark88 t1_ja8bkbs wrote

This is a downward slope.

Its already gone from 30 mins a day to 10 mins a day. Soon it will go from 10 mins every day, to 10 mins every other day. And then twice a week. And then none.

Push yourself.


utterlyuncool t1_ja8nb6k wrote

No! That is bulls**t advice.

You have no idea what OP is going through. The fact that he showed up matters. He's just building a habit.

OP - it matters! You did 10 mins. Good for you. Next time you can push for 15. Or 12. Or, if your motivation is s**t that day, do 8. But whatever happens - do something! Even if it's just walking around the block.

That's how you build habits, and that's how you change yourself. Keep it up OP. You're doing good work.


SunKissed_ox OP t1_ja8vztd wrote

***she and thank you :) I think on days I don’t feel good, I should give myself some slack. But if I do 10 one day, I should push myself to do more the next day.


Anonymark88 t1_jabsluo wrote

It's just my opinion.

I've trained with people like this. They need a push, or I guarantee they'll quit within 6 months.