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Clever_Mercury t1_j9zaqi1 wrote

Remember that you are not machinery. Your brain and your body need down time. They also enjoy variety. Part of what scrolling does is satisfy the variety need without taxing you physically.

If you want to do specific things, at any time, it's good to think your energy as a budget and you need to alternate between replenishing and depleting tasks. Are you physically exhausted? Or socially exhausted? Do you feel un-thanked or unentertained by the time the weekend rolls around? If so, concentrate on assigning yourself just one weekend task that still accomplishes something desirable but doesn't further deplete you. For example, if you feel socially exhausted then do not run errands but concentrate on doing something inside the home (laundry? gardening?). Reward yourself after completion.

People should remember, however, nearly every religion and culture on the planet used to have the idea of a 'sabbath' or a day of non-work. They didn't exactly think you'd be scrolling on a magical handheld device, but they did think everyone needed a day of just peace. The only people ever exempted from that rule were slaves. Don't treat yourself like a slave.

Having a day of rest is natural. No productivity, no travel, just sit and enjoy or be in the moment, even if you are scrolling. It's human. It's ok. Just not every day.