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AcceptableAccount794 t1_j9ni0je wrote

Adding a second comment, since looked at the link you provided -- that last photo of the difference in just two years really raises a concern from my perspective.

I would recommend going to a doctor as soon as possible, and ask about liver testing especially, but also blood tests to show blood sugar levels and triglycerides. Ascites can be a sign of liver disease, and if the gain has been very quick, they recommend procedures to at least initially drain some of that fluid.

Here is a link about non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, with a list of possible symptoms or other co siderations.

The good side is that the liver has regenerative qualities and can bounce back from stress/strain/scarring, but you gotta work with a doctor to see if this is wah it is and if so, try and find out what is causing it.

Edit: saw the last photo too -- the symptoms looks like liver failure to me, I'm sorry to say. Definitely go to a doctor that is well versed in liver health.