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mrfroggyman t1_j7jng5w wrote

Thats the meanest pikmin I've ever seen


huguberhart t1_j7jp7uc wrote

„how can 400 expect anything to grow..”


workana t1_j7kc0au wrote

Does that monkey have a bidet?


FunOwner t1_j7kcc8k wrote

Plants don't care if you're mean or yell at them. As long as they have water and light they will grow no matter your attitude. Somehow I find that more meaningful than the belief that things can only work with love.


kwarre16 t1_j7kohpl wrote

So basically, if you’re constantly only seeing the bad in something, comparing it to others, or insulting it, it’s hard to see the good! In this comic, the first monkey is being hard on his plant because he’s comparing it to others. But the other monkey makes him see that with a little love, patience, and time, good things happen! So whenever you’re having a hard time, remember to take a step back and be proud of yourself!


loboMuerto t1_j7kpeog wrote

Apparently the plant was a form of Cordyceps that parasites monkeys. TLOU prequel?


EthosPathosLegos t1_j7kvjab wrote

Allow systems (aka people) to grow at a healthy pace instead of forcing them to mature on your schedule, because it is detrimental to the overall health and well being otherwise.

Unfortunately because so many people grow up with different experiences and privileges, and we lump all people together in state institutions, ie school, it necessarily means you cant tailor curriculum to individual students, but instead have to act as though everyone is equal and has the same experience. So naturally many kids are forced to compete with those that have unfair advantages and therefore we inevitably end up forcing some percentage of kids to change/learn/mature faster than is natural, because, you know, we as a nation would rather spend money on war and dysfunctional subsidized corporations than educating people effectively.


TBTabby t1_j7mrr2z wrote

Talking to plants does make them grow better, but it doesn't actually matter what you say. It's the carbon dioxide you breathe out when you talk that helps them grow.