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Modern_Devil t1_j72j375 wrote

Don’t let fear prevent you from being kind.


CaptainAksh_G t1_j72lg51 wrote

It's not fear, per se. Being cautious while being kind is good too.

Being kind with a cautious mind is important because people are willing to take advantage. You'll end up creating more problems than creating a positive mindset among others is what I'm saying.

Be kind always, but be wary of who you're being kind to


Modern_Devil t1_j748kg3 wrote

I don’t think of kindness as something where anyone can take advantage. Kindness doesn’t require an exchange. You can be kind without giving up anything and without appearing weak. You can be kind to every person the same without risking anything at all for the sake of being kind.

You should use the same caution with people that you always would. You should expect people to show you the same kindness that you show them. You should set boundaries and not tolerate disrespect. Nothing changes in this regard depending on kindness.