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astronxxt t1_j6a6grz wrote

he doesn’t even have a mouth and you can’t see his eyes? how do you know he’s unhappy? and how is he gonna smile with no mouth lol


mangomochamuffin t1_j6aft11 wrote

This is drawn by someone. You know that right? You can understand that the artist could have drawn this person differently?


astronxxt t1_j6agku9 wrote

well i looked at the other characters’ faces and came to the conclusion that this is likely the style of the artist. you can understand that right?

you’re the one asking the artist to change their style so that it’s less ambiguous to you whether a character peripheral to the point of the comic looks happy or not.

no need to get in a tizzy over it.


mangomochamuffin t1_j6ah5mi wrote

It took you this long to see that this is the artists style? Im not asking anything, i only mentioned it would give a different message.

Have you ever heard of feedback or a suggestion? I dont think so. Well, you know, have a nice day. This isnt worth my time.


astronxxt t1_j6ahhnd wrote

>it took you this long to see that this is the artists style

what the hell are you talking about lol. have a nice day as well.