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xAUSxReap3r t1_j681jme wrote

This doesn't work in practice.

The apartment I'm renting no longer has running water? I won't complain to my landlord to get it fixed, I'll just be grateful that I was able to experience water.

The tradesperson I paid to complete a job left the work unfinished? I won't complain to them/their company and just be grateful I was able to hire someone to take my money.

I've been sexually harassed? I won't complain to management/authorities, I'll show gratitude that I received attention.


tnfrs t1_j69czul wrote

dont listen to these complainers man, im grateful you pointed this out


Spiritual-Act5855 t1_j68a1r5 wrote

Bestie….those “complaints” r necessary. This post is about habitually pessimistic ppl that always find something wrong or to complain about. How ppl r quick to find a complaint but those same ppl have a hard time finding a positive outlook and things to be grateful for. Hope this helps


Drackar39 t1_j6a0iug wrote

That's...not the take I get at all "bestie". It's "Take what you're given and be thankful, peasant".


Spiritual-Act5855 t1_j6a175x wrote

It’s rly not………this post is def for ppl like y’all. I don’t like to argue especially not w/ negative ppl. Enjoy ur day


Drackar39 t1_j6acs7o wrote

And yet you're putting yourself out there, starting arguments with people who don't match your naive, blind viewpoint.


astronxxt t1_j6a69kc wrote

well you’re objectively wrong then. this is clearly about habitual complainers. that doesn’t mean people shouldn’t have a right to be dissatisfied with their circumstances, but the point is you’re only doing a disservice to yourself.

there’s also no need to be snarky


Drackar39 t1_j6acpco wrote

Oh, there absolutely is a need to be snarky when people have such absolutely horrific takes.


Yegas t1_j6aic42 wrote

spoken like a habitual complainer

mf could live in a $8,000,000 mansion with 10 employee wait staff catering to your every need and you’d still look out the window and complain about not owning the neighbor’s $12,000,000 mansion

the OP’s post is targeted at you


Drackar39 t1_j6bmok7 wrote

Ok, I'll give you a freebie. Have you heard of periods?


whitelighthurts t1_j6clrju wrote

You actually are miserable jfc

There’s clearly two interpretations to this comic… chill out


Yegas t1_j6bqx0v wrote

I’m not telling you that you cannot complain, ever. Some things are worth complaining about.

But practicing gratitude is very important for living a happy and fulfilled life. If you search for something to complain about, you’re going to find it, no matter what. There’s always something that could be improved, some quality that isn’t being met. But there’s also always something to be grateful for; something that you take for granted that is wonderful to have.


Spiritual-Act5855 t1_j6bswj5 wrote

THE NEGATIVE NANCYS R DOWN VOTING US FOR NOT COMPLAINING 💀💀 I block ppl like this from my life completely family included until they learn to be less of a drag


[deleted] t1_j69mkrq wrote

We all have these fucking issues bro.

Some of us can work though it with confidence, gratitude, and kindness, while others don’t. Simple as that.
