Submitted by SliverSchem t3_10lgx5f in GetMotivated

As the title states, my wife goes to bed around 9pm every night (gets up early for work). My kids are asleep by that point as well. I get tired of just watching movies, browsing reddit, watching YouTube videos etc... It's gotten so old that I'm looking for new things to do. I'm not a big reader but I do have a workshop with a bunch of tools in it, but it's WINTER in Ohio (blah) and I need ideas. Anyone in the same boat care to share what they do to pass the boredom? I find it very hard to stay motivated during the winter months especially...



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New-Cardiologist3006 t1_j5wszrc wrote

Don't fap. Will make you inattentive to your wife and that ruins relationships.


Read. Journal. Disconnect from the screens. Nothing is there.

Write down what your appreciate. Write down what you want to do for other people, what you dream about.

Design. Draw and sketch. Practice your perspective and plan for summertime.


Just get up earlier in the morning. Make them breakfast. Read. Work out.

Getting up early will give you more quality time with them too.


ricardo9505 t1_j5wypnn wrote

Read. And get up early , meditate or zone out, go for a long walk. Actually that's my favorite. Single dad myself. Wake up early, take a nice walk, eat breakfast and start the day. Always feel great thru the day.


wavecult t1_j5wziry wrote

This is something I've been doing since the pandemic hit: Set yourself a project each year. Learn something new, get good at it and apply it over a 1 year project (depending on what it is you might divide the project into several phases).

It could literally be anything that interests you. Electronics, car audio, carpentry, automotive restoration/mechanics/customization, welding, upholstering, landscape design, PC building, painting, learning an instrument, videography, interior design, home renovation... Anything at all.

There is a bunch of material online these days about literally anything anyone would ever want to learn... and the idea is that at the end of the project you've actually learned heaps, made something useful and you'll never be bored again :)


Mollybrinks t1_j5xhgwk wrote

I need inspiration myself. I turn to bad habits in boredom after my spouse's earlier bedtime. But given that I have a workshop myself that I should use more, maybe let's try to inspire each other. Do you have a lathe? Try making pens. Small, easy, beautiful, everyone loves getting one. No lathe? I made a stupidly simple bird feeder- just a flat platform with raised sides that I nailed to a post outside my window. During the day I can watch the squirrels and birds come in.


TeacupExtrovert t1_j5y0wkj wrote

Whittle some wood. My brother got into this during the winter last year and he's made some pretty cool stuff.


jagooopy t1_j5yed9u wrote

You could get a space heater for your workshop!

Things I do to pass the time are puzzles, building model kits, legos, origami/paper crafts, painting, reading (comics lately), crossword puzzles and sudoku, working out, or playing piano. It was my goal last year to spend less time on screens so this is what I’ve been up to!


Jazzlike_Leader8755 t1_j5yem1d wrote

Dude I’m sure you have your reasons as to why you’re not keeping your wife’s schedule but I bet they’re not good ones. Try to get on the same schedule as her. Your marriage will thank you and you’ll be happier.