RollingSmile23 t1_j54u9a1 wrote
English is not my language. But I always thought about one thing. No-where is also Now-here. You're not lost.
MusliMix6444 t1_j54ltwh wrote
Where exactly is "here"?
Imagine being new to the area and getting lost on your way back home and you see this sign?
Noahshiponsail t1_j54rxri wrote
Be present be mindful?
Trips-Over-Tail t1_j578ion wrote
I'm not lost, I've merely entered a realm without a grid reference.
herderofswine t1_j58234b wrote
Love this! Thank you!
sasharuiz8843 t1_j549qr2 wrote
The most important is never give up! We can do it!