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AlternativeAardvark6 t1_j46s9k7 wrote

Past me got me fat and tired, I hope future me finds the power to do something about it.


Not_ToBe_Rude_But t1_j48blid wrote

I suffer from bouts of depression, and I can assure you you have it in you. Sometimes you literally have to drag yourself, kicking and screaming, to make the changes. If you wait until you want to do it, it will never happen. You have to force yourself at metaphorical gunpoint.


LiveFastDieFast t1_j49m0ji wrote

Yep. Action will almost always create motivation. Motivation out of nowhere is rare.

What helps too is breaking the task down into tiny steps, and convincing yourself to do just one tiny step. Once that’s complete, it’s easier to be motivated to do the next step and so on.

Example: let’s say you need to do the dishes. Convince yourself to wash just one plate. After all, one is better than none right? Once that’s done, your brain will be like “ well shit, my hands are already wet, sponge already has soap, might as well clean one more dish.” Next thing you know you’ve done all the dishes, and are motivated to go clean even more stuff


Worost t1_j4aivqg wrote

But then what if I promise myself to only do that 1 dish I only really feel motivated to do that 1 dish and afterwards I just don't want to do anymore dishes and I stop doing the dishes?

This is an actual serious question no joke I would like to know


AgnesBrowns3rdNipple t1_j4anfzx wrote

Then you washed one dish.

One dish is infinitely more dishes than zero dishes.

While it doesn't seem like much, the act of starting the thing is harder than doing the thing


Alpakasus t1_j4ajbr8 wrote

I start doing shit and in the process I'm like OK this could be done and now I cleaning my whole apartment. It's hard to start and hard to stop.


TaikaJamppa t1_j4azni3 wrote

For me it’s hard to start and keep going… but I love my mom for helping out, even if I tell her I can handle it… Yes, I’m a grown up, live alone, and my mom does the cleaning every once in a while, unless I have done it (that’s yet to happen).

I used to do cleaning as a job, somehow never did at home…


Trivi4 t1_j4amb6l wrote

Then that's fine, but it's not how it usually works. We humans tend to go on autopilot on certain tasks.


61114311536123511 t1_j4asd98 wrote

Then you've achieved what you aimed for and you can be proud of yourself! Be patient, you can improve over time, one dish at a time. No beating yourself up, you got up and did SOMETHING and that means later you can do it again!

I believe in you :)


Daiontearose t1_j4avia6 wrote

Have done this and just stopped. No energy is no energy, sometimes it's just not up for bargain.

But. You might also think about making systematic changes to make things easier for "future you". For eg, switch to paper plates and throw it out when done, no washing. It feels so dumb, but if it gets things done without stressing you out, then it works, right? (And anyway, you don't have to commit to them. Just put a stack of paper plates in the house to use or not use whenever you feel like it).

Apply this to the rest of housework (ie- anything menial that you can simplify/throw out). Save your limited energy for the important difficult things you really can't avoid (family, bosses, studies, etc).


LilGazpacho t1_j4aho5p wrote

I appreciate reading this. Sometimes I have to kick and scream my way out of bed.


W1seWarrior t1_j47ar4i wrote

Believe in yourself this reply won't maybe mean much to you, but i hope you know that you can do it!


Carrotfloor t1_j47o0it wrote

Past me was an asshole to me, so i'm going to pay it forward and be an asshole to future me


W1seWarrior t1_j48eldb wrote

You don't even have to take my advice i don't like either where im at in life, lets just forgive ourselves everyone makes mistakes that's just life, but we still have this present moment to make our future self proud.


iTanooki t1_j49qkto wrote

You know how you can really show Future-You who's the boss? Get a tattoo on your face. There's nothing Future-You can do to stop Present-You!


fxx_255 t1_j488k18 wrote

Past me sometimes gets black out drunk and I have to deal with the consequences, which are painful and sometimes embarrassing.

But every now on then, he leaves me some pizza or tacos, and sometimes the dishwasher was loaded and run.

He and I, well, we've come to an understanding.


AVahne t1_j49s36r wrote

Future me keeps.making future plans to eat fast food and not exercise, so fuck future me.


Physical_Terror t1_j4a6j9h wrote

Stop eating late at night by eating just a bit less late at night. This is a projection that may help you but it helps me so... yay?


niziou t1_j4aisk3 wrote

I think that present you have to do something about it ;)


brrraaaiiins t1_j4avjqt wrote

Past me smoked, drank in excess, was in a dysfunctional long-term relationship, and dropped out of grad school. Fortunately, past me also quit smoking, cut the alcohol waaay back, left the relationship, met the perfect person, and went back to grad school and got a PhD. Now, future me will have much better health, will grow old with the love of my life, and will be set up to retire reasonably comfortably. There’s always time for change.