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FreshTongue t1_j3foujd wrote

People never lean anything by being told, they have to find out for themselves.

So, dip your toes and go further. You will learn more than you thought you ever could


Big-Shtick t1_j3fywz6 wrote

The wise man learns from others’ mistakes, the smart man learns from his own mistakes, and the fool never learns at all.

The goal is to not be the fool.


Trips-Over-Tail t1_j3f7z9a wrote

Ah, so, to become wise you have to start out reckless and lucky.


johnsolomon t1_j3f9hyj wrote

Nah, you just have to invite your impulsive buddy to eat the strange berries first


Bigtanuki t1_j3fvzwj wrote

Key word there is "surviving". F****d up many times. Learned the most from the ones that had the potential to kill me.


mymeatpuppets t1_j3fpspo wrote

Don Rickles used to end his stand up shows with a Will Rogers quote...

"I never picked on little guys, only big people."

I'm not sure how or if it connects to the post, but I like that quote.


Patrik- t1_j3g90mu wrote

In Sweden we have a saying; To be old and wise you have to be young and stupid.


Tracktack007 t1_j3gqrsw wrote

Will Rogers, (who was from Oklahoma) was asked during the dust bowl what he thought of all the Okies migrating to California. He responded that the migration greatly improved the IQ of both states! Funny guy he was


srt7nc t1_j3g5smg wrote

Reading and observing others helps too


wants_the_bad_touch t1_j3h3op6 wrote

Yes, something many people forget about. Rea I grew up in, countless people make the same mistakes, you can't grow up there without seeing these mistakes and the negative impact it has on a person's life, yet everyone e keeps doing the same because "how am I to know?".