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RamDasshole t1_j0d9vio wrote

This doesn't imply that suffering is all mental, but rather that we spend more time worrying about potential problems than dealing with actual problems.


Astilaroth t1_j0fqvib wrote

When I was pregnant I had a panic attack ... what if it was twins? Or triplets? What if it had Down syndrom? WHAT IF IT'S A TRIPLET WITH DOWN SYNDROM?

It's ridiculous


Potatowrath t1_j0ddz4v wrote

Being anxious and having anxiety is real, but dealing with that is though comforting why you feel that way, not telling yourself that it's just in your head! And having anxiety is a "real" problem!


gummybear904 t1_j0eit4j wrote

Well modern cognitive behavioral therapy is heavily influenced by stoicism and the whole idea of stoicism is understanding that you can't control events that happen to you or even your own thoughts to some extent, but you can control your emotional reaction to them.