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mostlygray t1_iyyaa8g wrote

Well, my dream last night was that I was back working at a job that I hated but also was no longer competent at. I was working for my friend who resented me and hated me in the dream and he spent the whole time insulting me. Then I screwed up my task worse than I ever had in my life and awoke feeling a sense of fear, loss, and disgrace.

In real life, I have a good job that I'm happy with.

Or maybe I want to chase the dream of being attacked by giant insects with human eyes and teeth like a wolf that bite and claw and tear the flesh from my bones as I try to kill them with my bare hands.

Have I told you about "The Things in the Dark?" They're the worst. You can kill them but it's very hard. They usually come back to life anyway. They have no faces but they have teeth and claws.

I'd like my dreams to stay as dreams please.