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action_lawyer_comics t1_iy2akn0 wrote

Reply to comment by PublicThis in Your Future Self [Image] by PJMurphy

Thank you for sharing. I’ve been sober for over 10 years. Looking back, I’m not tempted even a little to backslide. Once I got used to sobriety and found better hobbies than the same books, tv shows and video games I’ve watched a hundred times before, it truly was a positive change with zero downsides.


PublicThis t1_iy2byil wrote

Oh I’m sorry I think I misread that part of your comment. Congrats! It’s a beast


didumakethetea t1_iy3wwf1 wrote

Don't be sorry, I'm an addict struggling to find sobriety right now. You did something for me today.


PublicThis t1_iy3x87s wrote

I’m around to talk if you ever want. I’ve fought the demons too. :)


LukesRightHandMan t1_iy349rw wrote

Hey dude, congrats! 5 years here myself. Got a question though.

My brother's having a hard fight right now for his own sobriety, and we were just talking last week about him reading the same books over and over again but not in a discussion about sobriety. What was the connection for you?