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Lioness- t1_ixl8erg wrote

Both are good in its own way, depending on what.


bloomingfx t1_ixnqhxu wrote

Yup, for sure. Both are important in their own ways. One example that just crossed my mind is: HIIT > intensity Showing up to workout daily > consistency


bruin4life01 t1_ixnsyqv wrote

HIIT has been shown to be worse for overweight/obese… more risk of injury and burn out. Low intensity is better for them.


goldenleash t1_ixof5rp wrote

thank you for this. I'm obese and I've been telling myself that "nope, don't go to the intermediate workout plan right away. you know that you'll get burnout on exercise if you do that. give yourself some time and complete the beginner plan. 5-10 mins > nothing. don't be so hard on yourself."


ANakedSkywalker t1_ixom6yh wrote

Any sources for that? Seems like group training, developing a community, creating friends in classes is fantastic for consistency


karnefalos t1_ixpevhp wrote

Okay i might be lost but what does HIIT got to do with any of those things? Surely doing intervals has nothing to do with building a community.


navybluemanga t1_ixooavq wrote

Also when doing deep work, intensity of focus in a fixed time (2 hours) is exponentially better than passive diffused focus over 6+ hours. Intensity of focus with no distractions is key to a lot of success. I read this some years ago when Deep Work by Cal Newport came out.


MapleSyrupFacts t1_ixp04xs wrote

The first one is me starting work at 9years old with my first paper route in the 80s. I had dozens of jobs before university and started my own company at 19. I did whatever I could whether selling roses at the liquor store, being Santa's helper or refereeing flag football I was always working. I worked double time through my teens and 20s then less and less through my 30s and was able to retire in my 40s if I want to. It's an option that has its benefits as the next 40 years in life will hopefully be quite easy and relaxing now.


adamhanson t1_ixna34n wrote



InjectingMyNuts t1_ixndct4 wrote

For me it'd be a bonfire for a month or so then it vanishes never to be seen again. Then I find another bonfire.


MLE_lou t1_ixnrmoa wrote

Sounds like you’re having troubles with Dark Souls my friend


ZSpectre t1_ixo3x0r wrote

The top was the story of my life before I knew exactly what adhd was.


Aeon199 t1_ixpcgyo wrote

(Moral of the story is, don't be ADHD. I say this because I have it and it's ruined my life, and those of many others I know.)

Some of y'all in this thread make a guy jelly. Most of the ADHD folks I know didn't have their first job before 17 and some even as late as 20.

Some of the folks in this thread--clearly non-ADHD--are talking about having their first job at 10, working double time from 17 onward, basically always working even while in college.

Contrast this to ADHD, now. I couldn't handle college in the first place, let alone anything else on the side. Other ADHD folks I knew were the same. We/they have learning issues, self-control problems, low reward for anything that doesn't have relevance to our interests.


I_M_urbanspaceman t1_ixn65oo wrote

On this note. I recently decided to start trying to get back in shape. Covid, as well as pivoting to working a sit-down job, caused me to fall into a VERY sedentary lifestyle. I gained a lot of weight.

I recently started making changes. Choosing better food and portion control was first and foremost. Then I started tracking steps, and making sure I hit 10k each day. I won't be running any 5ks anytime soon, but its a start. Most importantly, I do it every day. Haven't lost a ton of weight yet, but my energy levels and body feel so much better already. Anyway, that's my novel. Anyone can do it!


ThreadedJam t1_ixnw3f3 wrote

Congratulations. Lifestyle changes are the most important.


Started-blasting t1_ixnwus9 wrote

Well done man!

I’ve also been trying to get healthy again, I’ve been doing a light amount of exercise and yoga every day for a little while now. I don’t look any different but I feel my age and not 10 years older


globaloffender t1_ixofq0d wrote

Portion size is one of the most important things to focus on. Meal contents change but ur portions should be consistent. Happy for u!


Rocketman574 t1_ixo0hq7 wrote

If you do want to eventually run a 5k, check out the Couch to 5k program/app. I've successfully used it reach 5k and I know several other people who've had success with it. If you keep with it, you'll get to where you can run 5k. There's also a friendly community at /r/c25k to share encouragement and successes.


mithie007 t1_ixldbwt wrote

The top example indicates good crisis management. When you notice a fire, work on extinguishing it until there is no more fire.

The bottom example is basically seeing a fire and ignoring it for over a month.

Why you want a fire to burn every week for five plus weeks, I don't know...


Baebel t1_ixo0k6f wrote

Subjective, but life can sometimes benefit from that consistency. Not sure why you defaulted to ignoring it though.


ThreadedJam t1_ixnvwo7 wrote

A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week.


LongjumpingJaguar0 t1_ixnxu5m wrote

Another good one: “Don’t get ready, get started”. Ofc this doesn’t apply to everything but when you want to break a habit or start a new one, this is a good one!


enduring_student t1_ixxk9q2 wrote

Yes! Some things need a plan even if it takes a while, and some things just need to get started. The real trick has always been knowing which to do when.

I agree about breaking habits - habits are such tenacious things that it's often best to just start while knowing you're probably going to have to try dozens of things before your behaviors really changes.


Jwb6610 t1_ixo4y93 wrote

I have been the top row the last 2 weeks. I'm in serious need of a me break. I'm sick of this societal bull shit that men can't be worn out.


Wizofsorts t1_ixnwrr5 wrote

Slow and steady wins the race.


FlexibleIntegrity t1_ixnxbjk wrote

The intensity graphic reminds me of my most recent relationship.


Murfdigidy t1_ixomztk wrote

This advice is so so critical for people dieting or working out. If you are trying to get fit, everyone wants a quick fix. they work so hard for like a month or two, see little to no results and give up because who can sustain doing a hardcore routine for the long term, virtually no one.

Best advice I got from a guy from a local gym when I asked him how he got so fit, he said... I went to the gym and then never stopped going. He said he hardly ever goes more than 3 days a week and is typically only 35-45 min a session. He just didn't stop, consistency was his secret.


Sarkisi2 t1_ixopfyl wrote

I actually think this is misleading. Consistency is not the same everytime, it is just something everytime. It could be super intense one week and something that you just grind through the next. The key is that you show up everytime. This gives the impression that if you don't keep the same intensity everytime, it is not consistent.


allurb4se t1_ixnzikj wrote

I can't be the only one that got triggered that the graphic isn't consistent as they swapped the two 'metrics' vs the title...


NTCans t1_ixoem6j wrote

Looks the same


YaFairy t1_ixojqqh wrote

People are different, don't shame them for it


freylaverse t1_ixokkcx wrote

Unless you're like me where you can give 500% on day 1, 100% on day 2, 50% on day 3... Forget about it for a few days, and then pick up again at 500% when you suddenly remember it exists again. Sometimes intensity does pay off.


Typewar t1_ixos31f wrote

How I study for tests: intensity

How I work on my long-term goal: consistency


Juice117 t1_ixov0zy wrote

I think it depends on who, for me I’ve never learned well from small consistent sessions; mostly because my brain struggles to fully commit to a short lesson

But when I learn a song on guitar for example with a lot of new techniques I’m not familiar with, I overload myself with 3, 4, sometimes 5 hours per day of playing for a week straight until I’ve perfected it.


awfullotofocelots t1_ixp4wkc wrote

If you need fast heat go intense. If you need long heat go consistent.


Shwaggins t1_ixqn4kd wrote

Some folks can actually be the big flame all the time as well


who-ee-ta t1_ixnxzsd wrote

Now pls do voltage vs mass


TecN9ne t1_ixop37b wrote

Long term consistency trumps short term intensity, every time.


CM_Bison t1_ixoqnsr wrote

The flame that burns twice as bright, blows out twice as quick.


SufferingIdiots t1_ixosfcx wrote

Perfect example: The gym after new years.


oatmeal28 t1_ixowrgt wrote

Big Brain: consistent intensity


Responsibility_57 t1_ixtzeb1 wrote

Both are necessary,but it feels like consistency is required in doing or creating something which can impact the world in a big way.


TallmanMike t1_iy4vj65 wrote

I get the general point but it's a little unfair to point negatively toward intensity meaning a start but no finish when it could easily mean initial interest, growing over time to a powerful crescendo.


somepeppersomesalt t1_ixo92xm wrote

God I can’t wait to get back into the gym tomorrow


hopscotch4life t1_ixp6qu3 wrote

Either way, you’re ass is getting burned by those flamers


No-Union-8895 t1_ixpvbuq wrote

Very important when it comes to calorie counting as well...