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bdavid_escrito t1_ixhc95g wrote

As hard as it might be right now, try and see this setback in the bigger picture. Every dream worth working towards is going to come with MANY hurdles and a non linear path to get there - that’s part of what makes them worth working towards.

Just in the paragraphs you’ve written here, you have clearly overcome enormous challenges in the past and look where you are now. You’ve come this far in a challenging engineering degree, you came up with a startup idea and you’ve been offered an internship opportunity.

It’s far from over now, you’ve just found yourself at another crossroads where you get to decide how to proceed. Talk to your professors, work with your peers to turn things around. Even if you lose the internship, your dream is far from over!

The bottom line: You aren’t a waste of oxygen, you’re resilient and you’ve been knocked down once again. Try and give yourself some grace, please talk to someone if you’re feeling suicidal, and know that there’s one more internet stranger out there who believes you are capable of the extraordinary.