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minitrr t1_ivhm87u wrote

…unless you want friends


Lioness- OP t1_ivhsm1j wrote

Depend on what kind of friendships you want to have. Friendship is not about likings, and /or searching for it. Pretty superficial imo.

Rather finding common ground, shared values. Agree to disagree at times, and still respect each other.


Babyface9891 t1_ivhtu9w wrote

When you’re yourself, it shows great character and ample self-respect to not let people make you their friend but you decide who your friends are. As OP said, when you do so it exhibits your values and self-esteem. So fuck em if they don’t like you.


shangula t1_ivib1ax wrote

At 16 you cared what everyone thought of you... 40 you'll no longer care what people think of you...

...and by 60 you'll finally realize nobody was actually thinking about you the whole time.

This is called the, "16-40-60 Rule."


BootyMcStuffins t1_ivihgwi wrote

Sometimes people not liking you is a sign that you're a dick. In which case you should probably change


AnarchyonAsgard t1_ivijsqa wrote

Unless you have sponsors like Kayne West. Then don’t be yourself or you lose 1.5 billion dollars


paucus62 t1_ivimu52 wrote

Eh, I’d say don’t miss out on life because you were caring too much about the opinions of others…

But dont be a moron because people will notice and care


Pawn_of_the_Void t1_iviz1xu wrote

Some people care anyways and can't just turn it off. I would guess most people in fact who don't already think like this can't just snap to that

I'd also say it isn't the best advice. So practicalities aside, when it comes to being a good person sometimes you should care. Sometimes you should ask yourself if they have a point. And you don't have to agree with them, but you should think about it sometimes in case you do


severed0 t1_ivizmkv wrote

These are getting pretty bad, the msg and the visuals are facebook level.


Galaksee t1_ivj34zo wrote

But I literally hate myself...


StupidRedPanda t1_ivjapqo wrote

Stop your meds, the quacks says you have "BPD" and you "push away those you care about" be yourself 🤗 you don't need them anyways


ParkinsonHandjob t1_ivjj9ot wrote

But I was myself, and people didn’t like me, and I did care.


sten45 t1_ivkkqrm wrote

This took me 30 years to figure out


Kaduc21 t1_ivkvkn2 wrote

That's true. But if your life lays in their hands, you have to accept your fate...


David_Umstattd t1_ivld7h7 wrote

Who you are doesn’t really matter. Who you can be is far more important.